"I have a lot of respect for the restoration school, Skyrim could use more healers!" - A random Guardsman.
I personally put a few points in it just for the extra magika regeneration. I also like it very much since I am klumsy, and get hurt a lot!
it′s pretty effective against undead too!
here take a look at this http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Spells find the Restoration spells this might help
I guess it depends on what you prefer and how much you like earning levels. Do you like easily gaining more levels? Spam "protection circle" spells.
Do you like the concept of faster Magicka regeneration, companion healing and a freebie 250 Health point healing if you drop below 10%?
VERY useful. Even the anti undead stuff, with all the draugr we fight. And the vamp attacks.
Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Greater Ward can even tank Fire Breath from an Ancient Dragon.
As for perks, there is that sweet one, Avoid Death. Those which boost magicka regen are also useful.
And don't forget Respite, it is quite usefull for Warriors or cowards