after i see this great work i want to thank all guys work on this game and sure there is something new in this, here i want to ask 2 issue , 1st is request and the second is inform.
Restore My Previous Account:
i have another account and i create this to restore the old. i don't know what happens but when i sign in with the old its login but when i click on messages or forum it ask me again and say that i must log in, but when i back to the main menu i see my account name in the top right area.
my old account name is : osama , and the email is :
Cancel Crysis 2 purchase Order:
after 1 week from playing this game i have many and many issue that force me to cancel the order, here some this issues :
Single Player:
- game story stick in Level (alpha squad help) i don't remember what the level name is, but its about help alpha squad to reach some point.
- when i collect allien power its Not counting that mean i cannot update my suite .
- when i register the game i cannot connect to my main ID because its sticked so i waste my Limited code
- game crashed and give Send error message.
- there is many cheaters in server especially in Official servers i dont know why there is no cheat protection and i really don't know how in 1 week the server filled with this cheaters? i think crytek promise to solve this issue but there is no steps done.
- when i ingame and the server down or connection timeout , my experience lost
Last words:
the game delayed for many times and we expect best result. i hope this problem will solve and the funny thing that this is my first time hear that there is an Patch modification for Game Demo!
Osama Deep
3D Artist / Game Programmer