Restoring Hope-Helios One Glitch

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:00 am

So I have just started this quest and have already ran into a glitch. I have just started to play this game again after several months and decided to do some NCR quests. I had to go to Helios One to find out what had happened to a group of NCR soldiers (at the beginning of the quest) but found nothing. I was greeted by legionary soldiers (which have been attacking me everywhere) but no NCR. I explored all of Helios One, and even the fenced in area, and found no trace of any NCR soldiers (until I saw the twenty or so NCR bodies). I thought this quest was impossible to finish but I then looked up the quest and sure enough found a way to counter the glitch so I can continue this quest.

I had to travel east to of the marker that I had to follow and find a crate filled of supplies. Now here is my problem, I cannot find this crate anywhere. I have followed the marker far east and have not found any crate anywhere in sight. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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