[RELz] Restoring Rain's Hand Hall

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:55 am

v1.2 Update:
Caught a couple of edge-case last minute bugs.

** Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck when using the Guild Guide from Ald'Ruhn back to Rain's Hand Hall after completing certain points in the main quest due to a misplaced FixMe command in certain scripts.

** Fixed an issue where the timers in a global script would never terminate.

v1.1 Update:
** Fixed global script issue where player would be nagged to visit Rain's Hand Hall every time a savegame was loaded when the player is beyond certain points in the main quest.

** Readme included in download should no longer be encrypted (WinRAR error on my part). You can also http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/readmes/Restoring%20Rains%20Hand%20Hall_readme.txt

Download the new version using the download link below!


Restoring Rain's Hand Hall

Author: Chesko

Download: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40885

Download: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9372








Restoring Rain's Hand Hall attempts to take Bjorn Larsen's amazing Rain's Hand
Hall mod and better integrate it into the game. New story, new history,
new NPCs, new dialog, and a Hall in a state of near ruin.

* Story Integration: Rain's Hand Hall is now is now described in-game as
the lost manor of Lord Nerevar himself, not seen for over 3000 years.
A new quest line for Rain's Hand Hall's restoration follows along in parallel
to the main quest of the game. Great pains have been taken to ensure that
the mod is lore-friendly (as long as you can assume that Lord Nerevar did
in fact have a great Hall that once was lost).

* Rebuild The Hall: The Hall has seen better days, and must be repaired.
As you progress through the main quest of the game, more and more of Rain's
Hand Hall will become available to you as the pragmatic Curator Radric
and his team of craftsmen excavate the ruins of the Hall. Rubble, scaffolding,
and support beams everywhere.

* Balance: The availability of the Hall now hinges on main quest completion.
This means that other housing mods like Homes to Let still have purpose in the
game before this becomes available to you. I also opted for this method because
it allows me to organically unlock the Hall to the player instead of just
putting an arbitrary price tag on the entire Hall.

* New Dialog: Over 6 million lines of new dialog (OK, not quite).New NPCs,
new dialog, and new history for each room of Rain's Hand Hall. Curator Radric
is eager to talk your ear off about it. And the craftsmen actually doing the work
have their own comments, if you care to listen.

* Not So Lonely: New NPCs in Warrior Poet Hall that grow in number as you progress
through the game. If you build strong alliances in your quest to fulfill the
Nerevarine prophecies, don't be surprised if their representatives show up
to support you! Also added is a new Guild Guide to transport you to the Ald-ruhn
Guild of Mages, and a new blacksmith to repair your armor by the (previously unused)
anvil and furnace.

* New Bedchamber: For reasons you will see, the Hall's previous bedroom (Solace)
is not initially available to you. Because of this, a (cramped) new bedroom has been
created, which can be accessed from Hearthall. The door is at the top of the stairs,
on the left side of the center column.

* Other Improvements: Some other miscellaneous improvements were made, such as
collision boxes around Solace's bedroom to prevent you from walking off into nowhere,
and stone steps to help you get out of the pool in the Tower of Wonders (it was previously
possible to get stuck in it).


Install & Usage:


Load Restoring Rain's Hand Hall.esp with your game.

WARNING: You MUST also use the original Rain's Hand Hall mod. This mod does not
include any data from the original Rain's Hand Hall, so the original mod is required. Get it here:

Restoring Rain's Hand Hall.esp must be loaded AFTER the original mod's .esp.

The quest to go to Rain's Hand Hall starts shortly after leaving Caius Cosades'
House after receiving your last orders from him. If you are already past this
point in the main story, just go to Balmora and walk in the vicinity of
Caius Cosades' House. The quest should begin at that point. You may get additional
messages that tell you to "re-visit" Rain's Hand Hall, if you have already progressed
through some of the late stages of the main quest. This is perfectly normal.

Good luck, and have fun!




These issues are mainly for those who have already been using Rain's Hand
Hall, and have already placed items throughout the Hall. While most surfaces
have been left intact even in its run-down state, there are a few things to be
made aware of.

* The bookshelves on the left side of the Library of Antiquity are initially
buried in rubble and blocked by support beams and boards.

* A table on the left side of the Hall of the Warrior Poet now has the belongings
of the Mage's Guild Guide that provides transportation to Ald-ruhn.

* At the outset, only Hearthall and the new bedroom are available to you. If
you haven't made much progress into the main quest, you will not be able to access
most areas of the Hall. Be prepared!




Thanks to Bjorn for his amazing Rain's Hand Hall mod. I hope this mod helps
enhance his great work.




This mod contains no original data from Rain's Hand Hall. You must use
the original Rain's Hand Hall in conjunction with this mod for it to work.
You may not redistribute this mod, whole or edited, without my permission.


If you would like to know ahead of time exactly which parts of the main quest line unlock which parts of Rain's Hand Hall, please see the "Spoilers" section of the Read Me.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:55 am

Sounds great...i'll try it these days/weeks! :)
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krystal sowten
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:42 pm

Nice, will try it later :)

Btw.. what replacer do u use for those crates? And Redoran? :P
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J.P loves
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:30 am

I love Rain's Hand Hall and always have it in my games, though it's not my favourite location. I'll definitely be downloading this.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:51 pm

Btw.. what replacer do u use for those crates? And Redoran? :P

I'll let you know after I get off of work, it's all a blur to me right now :shrug:
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:30 pm

Looks like both the crate texture (TX_Wood_Brown_Box_01.dds) and the Redoran textures come from Connary's textures.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:20 am

This sounds like a cool mod, I also have always liked this mod and you use it often for my characters. I'm looking forward to see how this develops!
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:21 am

Rain's Hand Hall has been my favorite house mod since I stumbled on it forever ago. I have to say, I'm not sure how I feel about losing that vast, empty atmosphere it always had, with all these new people now in it... but that said, this looks to be an impressive labor of love, and I'm excited to at least try it out.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:52 am

A few points about the new NPCs:

  • Most of them are in the Hall of the Warrior Poet (Guards, tribesmen, guild guide, blacksmith). I did this because I felt like this Hall had no real reason for being, other than as a big empty space. Now it serves as a sort of embassy for all of these various factions to interface with you.
  • They do not appear all at once (if you're following the main story, if you're finished they will all be there)
  • 3 guards were added to the Halls of Armor, and Curator Radric hangs out in Hearthall
  • The Library of Antiquity, Heaven's Eye Observatory, Solace, the new bedchamber, and the Tower of Wonders are all still very private places.

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:08 am

I dled this twice and upon unzipping both of them I was prompted for a password for the readme which is apparently encrypted
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:52 pm

I dled this twice and upon unzipping both of them I was prompted for a password for the readme which is apparently encrypted

This happened to me too. Might want to give us the passwort or reupload the files ;o)
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jennie xhx
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:03 am

Oh ALMSIVI. My WinRAR must have been behaving badly. :banghead:

I'll get this fixed ASAP.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:02 am

v1.1 Update:
** Fixed global script issue where player would be nagged to visit Rain's Hand Hall every time a savegame was loaded when the player is beyond certain points in the main quest.

** Readme issue should be fixed. If you're still having trouble, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/readmes/Restoring%20Rains%20Hand%20Hall_readme.txt.

Download: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40885. Enjoy!

Planet Elder Scrolls link forthcoming. I'm having trouble logging into my account since they moved over to the new IGN Account system.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:57 am

v1.2 Update:
Crap. Caught a couple of edge-case last minute bugs.

** Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck when using the Guild Guide from Ald'Ruhn back to Rain's Hand Hall after completing certain points in the main quest due to a misplaced FixMe command in certain scripts.

** Fixed an issue where the timers in a global script would never terminate.

Download: http://www.tesnexus.com/members/editfile.php?id=40885

Last update today, I swear! Plugin should be solid as a rock now.

EDIT: Planet Elder Scrolls link is up!
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Dan Stevens
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