This announcement was what I suspected. Gog Galaxy is a great way for companies to earn some cash from games you could NEVER get shelf space for in retail (thus the revenue potential is mostly zilch). However, since 80% of a new game's revenue is likley earned in the first month of release, putting out a new game without some form of DRM is not something larger studios / publishers are going to's just too risky.
The CD Projekt "experiement" with Witcher 3 is interesting and may prove to some larger companies that it is possible to distribute day 1 without DRM. However, since modern DRM has very little (if any) effect on hindering valid customers from using the product (unlike previous DRM methods), it remains to be seen WHY any large release would consider it adventagous to do so. Yes, most gamers like the idea of DRM free software, but unless VALID numbers of how many copies of Witcher 3 are in play that were NOT legally purchased, all the "best selling" numbers in the world are always going to be tainted by the question of, "but what would those numbers have been if it DID have some form of DRM?". Also, CD Projekt has everything to gain in tempting to PROVE that no DRM is not effecting sales, any numbers they would provide on pirated copies in the wild would be viewed with some suspicion. Also, the question of HOW they got those numbers (if the game truly has no form of DRM / online monitoring installed) would also be a valid concern.
I'm in no way saying that any proof exists that DRM limits software piracy, but there also exist no hard facts that NOT having DRM does not harm your revenue numbers, either, so no large publisher is going to take that chance (unless they own a distribution method that may potentially profit from an attempt to prove that "DRM Free" is not economical suicide). This fact alone makes the argument that since Witcher 3 is a AAA title (possibly debatable in some circles) and has been released without DRM there is no reason for any other AAA to have it, just laughable. There was more than a small alterior motive for CD Projekt to release their game in that fashion (and it was not 100% to garner gamer support, tho it did have that effect also....a brilliant plan).