Retaliation DLC

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:48 pm

I hope this is not true because this is just another example of how Crytek is following in Treyarch/Activision's footsteps.

Actually I do not care if it is true. Since the only way Crytek will get my money again is when steam has a $10 sale.

Originally posted in the xbox forums:

I can only hope that you guys will give a patch out with the Retaliation Map pack. For those of you who don't know about it. Really getting sick of Wall Street. lol Here's the info-

"Coming soon to all versions of Crysis 2 is the Retaliation Map pack, it includes four new maps that support all current games modes to date. It is confirmed that for the Xbox Live the DLC will cost you 800 MSP so similar pricing is expected on the other platforms. Keep checking back on the site for updates on this map pack in the coming weeks! Remember "Adapt. Upgrade. Dominate. Be the Weapon." Read more to find out the map names and more!

In the Retaliation Pack the multiplayer battlefield is expanded with four brand new maps supporting all game games - Park Avenue, Transit, Shipyard, and Compound. See you in the game!"

Source- ... -pack.html

Edit: Screenshots here: ... eaked.html

Thoughts on this?

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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:25 am

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Beth Belcher
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:02 am

This was more or less to be expected, wasn't it? Sad, but true.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:39 am

link for the screenshots isn't working.

Four Maps and 800 MSP? That's a bit heavy. Must think of Bethesda and the horse-armor......epic fail.

Shipyard sounds good, btw.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:15 am

I hope this is not true because this is just another example of how Crytek is following in Treyarch/Activision's footsteps.

Actually I do not care if it is true. Since the only way Crytek will get my money again is when steam has a $10 sale.

Originally posted in the xbox forums:

I can only hope that you guys will give a patch out with the Retaliation Map pack. For those of you who don't know about it. Really getting sick of Wall Street. lol Here's the info-

"Coming soon to all versions of Crysis 2 is the Retaliation Map pack, it includes four new maps that support all current games modes to date. It is confirmed that for the Xbox Live the DLC will cost you 800 MSP so similar pricing is expected on the other platforms. Keep checking back on the site for updates on this map pack in the coming weeks! Remember "Adapt. Upgrade. Dominate. Be the Weapon." Read more to find out the map names and more!

In the Retaliation Pack the multiplayer battlefield is expanded with four brand new maps supporting all game games - Park Avenue, Transit, Shipyard, and Compound. See you in the game!"

Source- ... -pack.html

Edit: Screenshots here: ... eaked.html

Thoughts on this?

donta care for a mappack we deserve this to be free because all of the errors bugs glitches

i wont spend a single buck for pc
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:09 pm

We all know the community is too stupid to actually boycot this on any platform. It's the retarded COD players that caused this, those idiots paying stupid prices for minimal content set a precedent that we ALL have to live with now.

**** hate this planet some times.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm

It better be a lie. And odds are it is. The source is unreliable and the only thing anything is really confirmed is out of Cevat Yerli or Nathan Camarillo's mouth OR confirmation on THESE forums by the admins. This whole DLC garbage is going on in the console forums.

If there IS DLC tho, I expect it to be free on PC.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:03 am

I'm not entirely convinced it's real, those could be screenshots from the single player for all we know. But if it is... that's a shame. Give us an epic patch to fix all the problems the game has first and then I might consider buying it. And it will take a truly epic patch to fix all the problems the game has.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:21 pm

If there IS DLC tho, I expect it to be free on PC.

You wish.

It better be a lie. And odds are it is. The source is unreliable and the only thing anything is really confirmed is out of Cevat Yerli or Nathan Camarillo's mouth OR confirmation on THESE forums by the admins. This whole DLC garbage is going on in the console forums.

Whether this announcement is true or not doesn't matter. The game is in decline and DLC talk helps to refocus attention on this game for what little time it has as no one is going to be talking about, much less playing Crysis 2 come November's MW3 and BF3 launches. Both of those games will have costly DLC too by the way. There will be DLC, it is a fundamental part of the EA strategy in recent history and it is only going to become more common.

If you're exceptionally fortunate you'll get in a month or more after the Xbox does, although given the lackluster sales, this seems unlikely.
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George PUluse
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:32 pm

It better be a lie. And odds are it is. The source is unreliable and the only thing anything is really confirmed is out of Cevat Yerli or Nathan Camarillo's mouth OR confirmation on THESE forums by the admins. This whole DLC garbage is going on in the console forums.

If there IS DLC tho, I expect it to be free on PC.

Free? Don't hold your breath. If this is a lie, then somebody went to a lot of trouble to forge the screenshots and leak the info to an xbox forum mod. It's probably true, and if it's not, then it will be eventually. Why wouldn't it be true? Crysis 2 MP is modeled after CoD. And Crytek/EA has already shown they value profit over quality with this IP.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:14 am

oh wow i cant wait. that looks so good it will be mind blow. crysis 2 already best mp game around and now it will be higher thank u so much crytek for lookin out for your fans and giving us more stuff
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 am

PC DLCs are often free. I wouldn't be surprised if Crytek decides to charge us though.

What I do know is that if they charge us more than $5 for a map pack, I won't be buying it. In fact I shouldn't be paying anything more than $0.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:26 am

short map list

no real choice of game modes for multiplayer

have to pay 20$ a MONTH for your own server with lousy 8 rooms and then still you only have limited costumization possibilities for your matches

no LAN modus for friends that wanna play together on a LAN party (impossible to put 8 ppl on 1 internet line and not lagg as hell)

and you want me to pay 10 more bucks for 4 additional maps?

lets say it this way: i WILL buy the map pack, IF YOU FIX THE GOD DAMN BUGS FIRST and add a god damn LAN mode. the extremely rude way you are trying to press money outa this game by only offering multiplayer server at payable prices to your "special partners" couldnt be more blatant.

you want my cash? you give me what *I* want! im the friggin costumer here.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

In the Retaliation Pack the multiplayer battlefield is expanded with four brand new maps supporting all game games [...]

Nice troll, but no.
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:07 am

It's funny that Crytek is so lazy they adapt SP maps to MP. I mean, look at Impact, Terminal, they are from SP. So do these DLC maps.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:46 am

If there IS DLC tho, I expect it to be free on PC.

You wish.

It better be a lie. And odds are it is. The source is unreliable and the only thing anything is really confirmed is out of Cevat Yerli or Nathan Camarillo's mouth OR confirmation on THESE forums by the admins. This whole DLC garbage is going on in the console forums.

Whether this announcement is true or not doesn't matter. The game is in decline and DLC talk helps to refocus attention on this game for what little time it has as no one is going to be talking about, much less playing Crysis 2 come November's MW3 and BF3 launches. Both of those games will have costly DLC too by the way. There will be DLC, it is a fundamental part of the EA strategy in recent history and it is only going to become more common.

If you're exceptionally fortunate you'll get in a month or more after the Xbox does, although given the lackluster sales, this seems unlikely.

In regards to DLC for Crysis 2, the only way I am buying any is if there is a SP DLC that is about 1/3rd the size of the main campaign and costs roughly 10 USD. C2 MP wasn't all that great and I generally don't buy map packs. BC 2 vietnam is the only exception as it presented great value with a new setting, new artistic direction in graphics and 5 new maps, which each lasts about twice as long as a good COD map before I am bored. If the DLC for BF3 is as good value as the vietnam DLC that came out for BC 2 then it is fine with me.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:49 pm

If there IS DLC tho, I expect it to be free on PC.

You wish.

It better be a lie. And odds are it is. The source is unreliable and the only thing anything is really confirmed is out of Cevat Yerli or Nathan Camarillo's mouth OR confirmation on THESE forums by the admins. This whole DLC garbage is going on in the console forums.

Whether this announcement is true or not doesn't matter. The game is in decline and DLC talk helps to refocus attention on this game for what little time it has as no one is going to be talking about, much less playing Crysis 2 come November's MW3 and BF3 launches. Both of those games will have costly DLC too by the way. There will be DLC, it is a fundamental part of the EA strategy in recent history and it is only going to become more common.

If you're exceptionally fortunate you'll get in a month or more after the Xbox does, although given the lackluster sales, this seems unlikely.
They can have all the dlc they want but it doesn't change the fact that Brink is going to be out in little more than 3 weeks. They have until then to fix the game or what's left of their player base is going to disappear.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:14 am

Ok im done, I have sat and patiently waited for patches and general support for C2 and as far as i can see, they have ignored each and every person that reported an issue. I have simply 'NOT PLAYED' the game since reaching level 30 and having it all reset. Now its DLC time, oh what a surprise...NEW maps from levels we have already played...way to stretch that CE3 guys. You wont see a penny from me until atleast 80% of the issues are sorted (DX11 not included, i can run it but dont care!).
Luckily, Brink and other promising titles are around the corner with REAL online support!
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hannah sillery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:20 am

well if makes sense that they want to milk it asap. The thing that makes me sad is that black ops dlc is on top seller list on steam. Clearly ppl like to be ripped off.

MOH is a flop but it did sell 5 million copies and its dlcs might have also sold some millions

At 10 dollar extra on MSRP, I expect lot of quality and extra content. Crytek provides none. But if its a power struggle DLC I might buy it.
But EA wont let it happen cos it will cut into BF3's market share
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:06 am

Unless the DLC is free, I'm probably going to quit this game when DLC comes out.

If you think about it, when servers roll a DLC map and you don't have the DLC, you get kicked out of the server for not having the map, even if you wanted to stay in. It makes finding games even more of a chore than before, given that the filter system isn't all that good. So it's really your loss if you don't buy DLC, makes the game annoying as hell.
Which also means, the "full operational game" that will not kick you out of servers for this stupid reason is worth the retail price and DLC price. I bought this game for 70, another 10 bucks would mean 80. I've already had enough complains about this game before, and the number of problems only seem to be increasing, so I am not wasting another dollar on this.

So I'll probably be done with this game when they try to screw us over with DLC maps. Well, there's that reason, also that the game's already dying pretty fast with all the hackers running rampant and all that. No point investing on something that barely has anyone playing. Even if you manage to find someone to play with, chances are there's a hacker fugging everything over.

Almost forgot, there's also abusive admins. I know there's lots of em out there, so if you see someone abusing their admin powers, post em on this thread and warn everyone.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:11 am

I predict that nVidia will sponsor this for PC, and it will be free. No way I am shelling out money for a game that still doesn't save my MP stats and so forth.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

have they ever sponsored any DLC. and Damse if I remember correctly you are somewhat of a crytek fan. I assume u would be buying the dlc
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:51 am

I will never buy map packs, ever, and never have. Especially for a game that removed modding just so they can charge for them.

Maps are just not worth £10 in my eyes at all. £10 is a couple of full AAA games in a steam sale.

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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 pm

how much is 800ms? in dollars for PC
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:52 am

Interestingly who will it buy if in game now many bugs?)
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