Retaliation open lobby 9/29/11

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:46 pm

Going to sit in the team portion of Retaliation this Thursday 9/29/11 starting at 6pm CST. I was planning to do this and then saw SasoDuck's post last night and decided to give it a shot this Thursday since I don't have work or anything pending that day.

If anyone plans or wants to join and can't make it at that time but later or earlier post here with a time that you can and maybe we can shift it around. If this is successful and get tired of playing the same 4 maps we can always just migrate to Decimation. Also if some of you don't have Retaliation we can get a count of people and play Decimation instead or you can join us after we play Retaliation.

Why Retaliation? It's my favorite map pack and I've had a lot of fun in those maps and I know I am not the only one in this forum that feels that way. So let's try to do this with an organized event. Cuz we sure as hell won't get to play them waiting around for support to do something to make the maps more accessible.
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Alisia Lisha
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