Retexture Dragon Fire

Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:43 pm

Would anybody perhaps know if there is a way to change the texture of the fire to a different color, so to speak, to a blue color for example.

I think it would cool if you could like change the colors a bit so a dragon's fire breath looks blue with some tints of orange. Maybe different colored breaths for unique dragons like Alduin, Paarthunax and Odahviing.

That wouldn't be too hard in the CK. You just have to duplicate the standard dragonbreath, change the texture of it to the one you desire and apply it on the dragon.

Editing the texture shouldn't be too hard either i guess since you could just play with the color settings a bit here and there.

The only thing i don't know is if you can treat fire like you would with a model. I guess not since fire is a special effect and not a model but i think there would still be a way to change the color of it.

I only hope it isn't too hard to do. Does anyone perhaps have any knowledge of this subject? Google didn't work for me sadly.

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Gemma Archer
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