Retiring PC needs a house mod with lots of Displays!

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:06 am

I have a lot of stuff I want on display not locked up in a container sight un-seen!

What are house mods that are small but have this kind of design ( Displays! Displays! Displays! )





Alchemy Equipment and ingredients

gems and other treasure

Any mods that display gold coins? Like stacks of coins or mounds?
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jessica sonny
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:46 am

Nothing eh?

Oh well I guess it is good to be a moder then, I just made my own.

Showler's Universal Armor Stands mod and Auto Book Placer by Horny Quintus helped a lot!

Then I made an open gold chest that shows the gold coins piled in it as you put your gold into it.

But MAN putting the weapons onto racks is a time consuming night mare.
I sure could use a mod that could manipulated items with more precision than the games grab mechanics for placing the weapon in the racks on the walls. :bonk:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:21 am

Patience, you don't need to bump after 20 minutes.

Anyways is what you are looking for.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:09 pm

Patience, you don't need to bump after 20 minutes.

It wasn't 20 min, check the date. :P

Anyway, was going to suggest but Redecoration looks good too.

Bit more difficult to suggest house mods, most small ones don't really have display/storage. You could try if you have any of the vanilla houses. Or checkout, it's an awesome flying palace. It's not really huge inside, just right in my opinion. Love it.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:18 am

dude, look at my post time again. it was Posted 05 November 2011 - 04:04 AM

sheeesh....some people.... :rolleyes:

Patience, you don't need to bump after 20 minutes.

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:56 am

Thanks, but that mod descriptor (at the link you gave) does not say what the heck the mod does?!

Can you tell me what Decorator Assistant Unofficial is suppose to do?
Will it place weapons on the racks?

It wasn't 20 min, check the date. :P

Anyway, was going to suggest but Redecoration looks good too.

Bit more difficult to suggest house mods, most small ones don't really have display/storage. You could try if you have any of the vanilla houses. Or checkout, it's an awesome flying palace. It's not really huge inside, just right in my opinion. Love it.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:19 am

Haha, my bad.

Redecorator lets you move/rotate any object by the x, y and z axes, and then lets you lock them in place so they don't get bumped away. So you can move a bookshelf to the side, or glue weapons to your walls, on racks, etc. It will also let you "save" items so if you see a piece of furniture you like, you can spawn a copy in your house.

Edit: I haven't tried it but it looks like Decoraor Assistant does something quite similiar.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:13 am

Thanks, but that mod descriptor (at the link you gave) does not say what the heck the mod does?!

Can you tell me what Decorator Assistant Unofficial is suppose to do?
Will it place weapons on the racks?

The readme for the original mod is included, but you can too. It's like how Redecorator works, as described by Snarg.
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Kelly John
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:05 am

This looks good. Thanks.

The readme for the original mod is included, but you can too. It's like how Redecorator works, as described by Snarg.

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Jason Rice
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:53 pm

Well, based on the quality of your mods, if you do decide to make the home you describe, I WILL BE IN LINE TO DOWNLOAD IT!

I use Glenvar Castle because of the indoor size and Decorator Assistant (remember to lock things in place or they will go flying at times) to place the weapons on tables, shields leaning against wall, aromor on Reznod manequins.

I would really love to see a chest of gold though.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:23 am

As I worked on my Treasure Hoard Vault mod I thought about making it a public mod, but I really do not think that will happen with Skyrim a day away.
Also the vault has too many other moders resources. I would have to get a a number of "permissions" to release it publicly.

I saw Reznod and other "mannequins" mods but I have to say the aesthetics of the Showler's Universal Armor Stands is much more appealing to me. Too bad it has such "jarring" bugs.

(the armor stand can be knocked out of place far to easily and once in a while your mouse button stops working so you have to reload the game and some armor will not show up on the stand.)

But the bugs can be worked around more or less.

The treasure chest nif needs a bit of work, the gold coins are too dark I am not sure what the issue is on that, but the mechanics work well enough.
I activate the chest and then make a choice in a pop up menu, then the gold will be taken from your inventory and placed in the chest, and the gold in the chest piles up from empty to full. :hubbahubba:

Well, based on the quality of your mods, if you do decide to make the home you describe, I WILL BE IN LINE TO DOWNLOAD IT!

I use Glenvar Castle because of the indoor size and Decorator Assistant (remember to lock things in place or they will go flying at times) to place the weapons on tables, shields leaning against wall, aromor on Reznod manequins.

I would really love to see a chest of gold though.

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Laura Samson
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