Retrieve Muffle Magnitude for Enchantment Description

Post » Sat May 10, 2014 11:11 am

I've always been annoyed by the description for items with the muffle enchantment ("Wearer is muffled and moves silently."). For my first modding project, I'm wanting to create a simple mod that visualizes the magnitude of the muffle enchantment in the item's description.

I've found the EnchMuffleConstantSelf magic effect and changed the description to: "Noise from movement is reduced %." Unfortunately, all muffled items wind up reading: "Noise from movement is reduced 0%." After a bit of research, it seems this is simply due to the fact that the game rounds the magnitude (such as .25) up to the next highest whole number before displaying the value.

Is there a fix or alternative way of achieving this effect? I'm inclined to believe there is since the Stealth Skills Rebalanced mod is able to do so: I tried loading up that mod in the CK to view kryptor's solution, but I'm stumped. The EnchMuffleConstantSelf description in his mod is: "Noise from movement is reduced <20>%."

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TRIsha FEnnesse
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