I've always been annoyed by the description for items with the muffle enchantment ("Wearer is muffled and moves silently."). For my first modding project, I'm wanting to create a simple mod that visualizes the magnitude of the muffle enchantment in the item's description.
I've found the EnchMuffleConstantSelf magic effect and changed the description to: "Noise from movement is reduced
Is there a fix or alternative way of achieving this effect? I'm inclined to believe there is since the Stealth Skills Rebalanced mod is able to do so: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28418/?. I tried loading up that mod in the CK to view kryptor's solution, but I'm stumped. The EnchMuffleConstantSelf description in his mod is: "Noise from movement is reduced <20>%."