» Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:54 pm
Wait, I just happened to obtain two-three swarmers and two-three max nanos and you call the module horrible right away? Today I got raqed by the HNT clan with Scar, then I got raqed in another match, then the match where you were in, I decided enough and put some music on to keep me focused. It's not that bad, it's not every single time you'd get a swarmer or max nano through it.
Plus, the retriever module was there since C2, and no one said anything about it back then, though of course there were no Swarmers there.
I drop around 3-4 swarmers per round without retriever, its no fun to kill with it and its no fun to die from it.
Obviously if its 1 person its ok, but when there are 3 people running with swarmers, im sorry but there is NOTHING i can possibly do. You respawn, they see you on the radar unless you put low profile on every of your "builds", if you dont have low profile you will die from the swarmer and thats ok, you respawn and get emp'd and die soon after because without armor people die from air flow, still ok, you respawn again and get killed by swarmer and after another respawn you get emp on the face, again.
You think "it cant possible get worse" and then you see that shiny armor of your max nano enemy which last over 20 sec and by the time it ends he have ANOTHER swarmer and ANOTHER emp and sometimes even ANOTHER max nano. Now do it x2, you will be lucky if you kill one person before you die from your enemy.
The worst thing about it, its really easy to pull. You kill 2 people with scar (it doesnt need any modules to be good so you lose nothing when taking retriever), when you have radar is mostly easy to get 2 more kills to get swarmer, now its easy to kill another 2 people with swarmer, you get emp and get another 2-3 kills without effort.
Now that you have max nano, just keep it till you die, you respawn, activate it in enemy respawn and proceed to get another max nano, because it last so long that getting 5-6 kills is quite easy, now you have swarmer AND emp again. If you get 3 max nanos its over 10% duration of the round being immortal not to mention that emp is so powerful that enemy team is pretty much dead bodies when its active.
Its mostly problematic on penn depot and district because you have 2 main spawn points and you dont even have a place to run to from there.
Emp need to be less powerful, swarmer need to have less shots and max nano cant last that long OR retriever cant work how it works right now.
Maps with orbital and gunship are mostly less problematic because, you can avoid orbital, you can destroy gunship (or use low profile to counter it, not perfect solution but at least you have an option) and non of them give you dog tags so its harder to chain.