Hey everyone, decided to make a post about Oblivions cities to see which one you would want to return to for a possible side-quest in Skyrim. I know its unlikely but wouldnt it be cool though to make a quick trip back to your favorite city from Oblivion and see whats changed and what not. Personally I would go with Bruma, it was a great settlement, and my orc's house was there. Discuss.
i would like to go to skingrad, i love how it felt like an actual city, but if any town makes a return, it would probably be Bruma, although i doubt any will.
Return? I doubt it would happen. And if it did it would be Bruma
I think a return to Cyrodiil could work in the form of a quick story quest or side quest, where you dont have the option to go exploring all over the place but have a chance to do the quest and venture around the specific area a bit.
I think a return to Cyrodiil could work in the form of a quick story quest or side quest, where you dont have the option to go exploring all over the place but have a chance to do the quest and venture around the specific area a bit.
Even still, a quick trip back would be fun. :thumbsup:
Maybe so. But if you're on the PC, you can always just download a mod when one is made for a return to Crydoil. Because I'm more than 95% sure Bethesda isn't going to do it.
Well when I think about it I don't see why it would be as fun as having a new city to explore, so I'm asking why you think so. Maybe I haven't thought it through as much as you have. So, why do you think it would be more fun than a new city we haven't played before?
Well when I think about it I don't see why it would be as fun as having a new city to explore, so I'm asking why you think so. Maybe I haven't thought it through as much as you have. So, why do you think it would be more fun than a new city we haven't played before?
Dont get me wrong im very much looking forward to exploring all of Skyrim's new settlements, the point of this thread was to get an idea of what city from Cyrodiil they would like to return to for some quick quest in Skyrim, I know its probably not gonna happen no big deal either way.
Dont get me wrong im very much looking forward to exploring all of Skyrim's new settlements, the point of this thread was to get an idea of what city from Cyrodiil they would like to return to for some quick quest in Skyrim, I know its probably not gonna happen no big deal either way.
Well, I understand the point of the thread is which city you'd want to revisit, but all I'm asking is why you'd want to revisit any city in the first place.
Well, I understand the point of the thread is which city you'd want to revisit, but all I'm asking is why you'd want to revisit any city in the first place.
Really? Because Bruma was my personal favorite, and I liked the shops it had. You gonna stop asking questions now? No need to harass me over why i want to return to a city from Oblivion. :nono:
I was one of the few that chose Anvil after a serious amount of thought.
I chose this because:
1. Anvil has the only functioning lighthouse in the game. 2. Anvil had the only decent docks in the game. 3. Anvil's architecture was inspired by the Summerset Isles and is very cheerful to look at. 4. The Gray Fox is from Anvil. 5. Haunted Manor.