So I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I send my dweller into the wasteland. When they return, the game automatically sells everything they have found. It's really annoying when that happens because they may have 10 outfit/guns and then once I press "collect" everything is sold. There's no option to sell the items it just sometimes happens automatically. It's happened to me about 3 times. The only reason I even realized the items were being sold is because I had an objective to sell six outfits/guns and it was fulfilled once I "collected" them. Otherwise it seems like they were just disappearing. Anyway, I was wondering if it was because of storage. In my vault I had plenty of available storage because every new outfit or weapon was equipped. So I had at least 10 storage space at any given time because there was nothing that wasn't being used. But I am wondering if the storage count includes the items that are equipped. But the storage theory is just a speculation. Any ideas to why the game would automatically sell my items found in the wasteland???