Anyway, the readme includes a list of mods that are a bit elusive, as far as my googling abilities.
Here is the total list.
**BB Short Silk Skirts-*
**clean chimmer of the light-*
*I tried these sites, but was redirected to site. It was no help what-so-ever.
**the modder's connotations, i assume these are absolutely required.
So thats my shopping list. I am excited to try this mod, and it is in its 5th update version, so I found it a bit annoying to find all these other mods; not to mention strange.
What I am really hoping for is someone with prior knowlege of this mod to come by and say, "no, you don't really need those." Because, honestly, I do not need a BB version of short silk skirts to enhance any of my MW experience. :mellow:
Thanks in advance.