except... havent you listened to sheogorath, and seen what KIND of order jyggalag likes?
his order basically is just another form of destruction... his minions are abominations even in the eyes of other daedra princes.
jyggalag would definitely not be an ally to any mortal, let alone a trend-setter...
trust me, his order would only lead tamriel into being a grey wasteland of dull nothingness.
a statue of him appearing along with other princes' statues with quests from him, and possibly artifacts as rewards, would be interesting, though... if he even has any artifacts to give.
chances are his reward would be stripping you of life and crystalizing you, though. :confused:
This, unfortunately. I'd like to see him appear in a Shrine quest, or at least be mentioned, to stay canon. But having him as an ally would backfire horribly, as the destruction in the Shivering Isles and the Priests/Knights of Order proved.
seen him . time to show someone new instead of rehashing someone old .
It doesn't really work that way. More Daedric princes can't just appear like that. They're all known by now, and more certainly can't be created (except for odd cases, like the end of Shivering Isles. But even then the player wasn't a Prince proper.)