I just wanted to know if you guys think Jyggalag should become a permanent member of the Daedric pantheon. I think he should, and I'd love to see his return in Skyrim. As most of us may know, the world of Elder Scrolls is either in chaos or order MOST of the time, and he seems to be a prince that mortals would love, as he loves to keep order. That said, he goes against what most of the other princes stand for. Since princes like Molag-Bal and Dagon like to cause as much chaos and carnage on the mortal world as possible, Jyggalag seems like he would be a valuable ally to the many people of Nirn, almost like the go-to-guy when things get out of hand. Now, I don't know if he wants to delve into the business of mortals, but from what little of his personality we were able to collect from SI, it seems like he'll go out of his way to bring order anywhere he can.
Maybe he could be a trend-setter, in proving that all princes are not inherently evil, and putting daedra in general in a more positive light.
Or maybe I'm in the wrong here and he would just try to take over Nirn for himself, but I'd like to think it's the former. :thumbsup: