» Wed May 25, 2011 1:01 pm
I encountered another odd bug. I reinstalled everything, cleaned it all up, and started a new game. Da'Cryon came to see me about five minutes into the game, as usual. I was wandering north from Faregyl to Pell's Gate a little while later, when I saw someone who looked like Mirage racing past me, going south. I wasn't sure it was her, so I just ignored it. I crashed a few minutes after that and had to reload; the second time I came north, she was standing by the road. I talked to her and got the next stage of the quest, just like I had gone where I was supposed to go.
A second question: Does this mod add a poison that has two effects, like shock damage and something else? I've been hit with weapons with that poison: when the first effect wears off, I get locked into cutscene mode (I can't move, and can only look up or down); when the second wears off, the game crashes.