Then I tried to start Namira's daedric quest and in order to get my character a little more... unattractive I changed my fame to 0 and raised infamy to 200. After doing that Mirage appeared and said something like "Are you looking place to die?" but she didn't have any more dialog. She didn't have any voice (this was fully-voiced, I think?[EDIT: yeah, I read that this doesn't have yet voice-acting. No issue then.) and she was also essential. Then I opened my inventory, which immediately let to crash.
This mod looks so far very interesting and cool, but there are some strange bugs/mod conflicts which make playing this veeery hard. Sad, I looked really forward to playing this =/.
Actually, if you've gotten it to load on one of your saves, just keep playing the game as normal, the story line will come to you, not you to it

Seriously, you cannot force the mod to start, it will start when the time is ripe, and there is no way to ripen the time, lol it's pretty random actually. I've had it start right out of th dungoen as well as 5 days into the game. Resting helps.