One kind of Shadow Knight guy Tyr Lochel or something was on a killing spree in Cheydinhal, only to be battered unconscious again and again (this one resolved itself after he'd killed a Dragon Knight and the guards had walked a bit further away from him after he was made unconscious)
In the Shrine, the entrance to the common room, the door mesh is one-sided in a way (it looks fine when leaving the room but it's invisible from the other side, aka looks a bit wierd)
Talking to one of the Shadow Squires, asking one of them to fetch me Namira's Humor "Tears" and then I was attacked by Ed-something, the guy who doesn't respect you but gives you a quest (sidequest? as Mirage told me to go rest for a few days but he still gave me that one, fetch bowl of Plague from a cave) I then proceeded to kill him, the shadow Squires, Dark Guardian and another guy but got no message or bad effect from that (I had on TGM then as I was going to re-load)
Just thought I'd tell =) still awesome though!