[RELz] Return Of Shadows Chapter I

Post » Mon May 23, 2011 9:49 pm

If you really like RoS PLEASE vote for this mod forhttp://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/vote.php?id=29087&time=1262729573


Alter Of Enchanting Added to Haven.
Quest Stages spelling and grammer mistakes corrected.
Shadowclone weaponry changed to better suit player.
Soul Collection Script rewrote to work 100% of time.
Mirage Packages edited.
Minor Errors along quest line fixed.
Minor NPC text errors corrected.
Night lvl Shadowknights Packages updated.
Torches added to entrance of haven.
Fixed Quest Update after Souls.
Increased Packages of Shadowknights.
Increased packages of Strongwolf.

Anthrop Gald's Goods updated
7 different Namira's Scythes Added
Glitch after collecting Souls Fixed (hopefully or i'll stab cs)
Glitch when accepting Ethin's Quest Fixed
Rescripted Soul Essence collector to retroactively (and hopefully correct) move with player to wherever they are located and there forth souls will show up.
Toned down Tyler Ser locke so he doesn't cause chaos.
Reequipped all SK with new scythes
Increased Plot and Dialogues

Version 1.03
Now Released Requires Downloading of New Textures and Meshes. Expands the Haven adding Anthrop Gald's Goods. Load Error Bug fixed.

Version 1.02
critical glitch fixed. Any more problems and I kill u all >.>

The team is considering if it will be worth it to continue the future chapters, they have agreed to only do so if the reception is good for this one, aka if they know enough ppl want it and will enjoy it.

Feedback and pictures are much appreciated. Remember that picture verification has been turned on.
Ratings and positive comments are the only rewards we will ever get for all the work we have done.

If you like this mod, please endorse it.[/color]




An Immense, Intense, Action Packed Dark
Themed Quest and Guild Mod. Armor, Quest, Spells, Items, NPCs, Music and more.
The Most Immense Guild Base you will ever see.
Realistic and Lore correct Story!
You didn't think you were the only hero of tamrial?
Over 20 New Dark Themed Spells
Over 50 New Npcs added to the game.
Over 20 New useful and Unique items added.
Merged with POISONS OF NAMIRA (over 20 poisons added to overall game and npcs and you, they will use them on u as well)
Custom Armors, clothing for good and bad.
Plot twist you wont see coming.
Deep and powerful.
Fight real fights, Face powerful enemies.
Return of Shadows brings it and we bring it hard.
Why are you still reading? Download!
Characters you'll hate to love. But love them you will.


The Purpose of this mod is to add to the over all theme of Oblivion. There are many many quest in oblivion that draw you out to be the hero, the good guy. Even the Dark Brotherhood does this to an degree, setting you to be the killer of rapist and etc. This quest mod will add a faction to the game who will appeal to those that wish to be of a more evil nature, It will also appeal to those who are tired of the same old save the day quest. The quest that will be involved in this mod are dedicated to making the player feel for the game. Quest will center around a group of killers, the Shadowknights who server Namira, the true Queen of Ancient Darkness.This quest isn't for the emotionally immature/insecure. It also has "advlt themes" so it isn't for those who believe that everything turns out well in the end. For you see "only in the tales that men tell, does the woodsman kill the wolf".



I. Lore
II. Theme
III. Added Abilities
IV. Armor
V. Quest
VI. NPC Interaction
VII. Interior Designs
VIII. Advanced Scripts

I. Lore

"Many have forgotten the tales of long ago, the vile stories that would send chills up the spine of any hero... Many have forgotten what was never proven to really exist... Long ago Namira used the powers of ancient darkness to destroy her enemies; to destroy those who crossed her path. Stories say she was weakened though. That she could no longer directly influence the world of tamerial. Stories say her reign of fear ended then... Stories say all was well once again... Yes, the stories say this... because she wrote them. However in the shadows, Namira's true followers continued her will. Gifted with the ancient skill of death and darkness they now shape tamerial to the will of Namira. The ShadowKnights are out there and one thing is very clear... Join them, or Perish."

II. Theme.

Return Of Shadows revolves around you being everything that represents the opposite of a Paladin. If you thirst power and the destination is what matters, then you must do many things to gain the favor of Namira. Your task will include but is not limited to killing innocents, killing heroes, killing without reason, Lying, Cheating, Using others, Sadness, Anger, Betrayal, revenge and heartless acts.

The quest style will be either that of a complete force of destruction, or a blade of the night. Your charges are absolute, to disobey is to die. The quest will have a variety of elements of life. You will come across passion, pain, love, loyalty and many other emotions. We have done our best to bring you deep into the path of the Shadowknights.

III. Added abilities.

When you accept the gift of Darkness from Namira, When you realize that You've lost it... that you can kill. You will be given the powers only those of the night know of.

The Shadowstep: The ability to step through the space between light and darkness and cross a small distance in an instant, pitting you behind your target. The Shadowstep will also be used in quest to position you in key places.

Cloak Of Shadows: The cloak of shadows is the key to any shadowknight. When it is fully charged, you will gain many bonuses from it. Such as temporary invisibility, Anti-Paralyze, Repulsion and many others. However A shadowknight should never neglect their cloak, for when it is neglected the side effects can be very hazardous. Such as Instant lost of fatigue, Poison, stat buffs to enemies, and even your death if neglected long enough. If the shadow knight is a truck, the cloak is the engine.

You will have a chance to gain many abilities as you play through this mod.

??? Add spells of darkness (shadow clones, etc.)

IV. Armor And Weapons

Specialized armor for the Shadowknights will represent all that is dark and of the night. Shadowknights are not tanks, they are strong but stealthy, and the armor will reflect these thoughts. I have done my best to ensure that nothing in this mod is what I would call "broken" as in giving you a bonus over the game. The armor while very unique and cool looking, will not have stats far above other armor.

There will be a few special pieces of armor that were created for this mod, I hope you enjoy them :) .

All Credit goes to my Armor modder CLACI. Though he is completely new to modding, his work so far has been above average and amazing.

Specialized Weapons have been created to add to the immersion of this mod.

Credits go to Claci and ???????

V. Quest

The Quests in this mod will all center around dark themes, The Main Quest will follow your entry into the Order of Shadowknights, and the war between them and the heroes of Tamerial. These quest will usually involve the player having to be heartless or as cold as possible. I am doing my best to keep each quest interesting and fun, while also meaningful. The Main quest line will usually involve you facing heroes (who are justified in their name). The quest will also utilize custom effects such as the ability to Shadow Step.

There are also a few side quest that you will be given interesting rewards or unlock special access to items and abilities.

Modders who are interested in adding their quest/creating quest for this mod, please feel free to message me. I will answer all questions and there is still a lot of time for your additions.

I would also like to make it known that one of the best sources for inspiration and amazing storyline so far has been my friend Mysteic. While I know it isn't any "hands on" help. Without him many of the quest would never have existed so he should be given credit for his part as well. on that note DONT ASK WHO HE IS I WONT ALLOW YOU TO USE HIS AMAZINGLY GINORMOUS BRAIN!! YOU STAY AWAY FROM THIS "never ending story" DREAMING FOOL OR I"LL FIND AND DESTORY YOU... only joking...right.

VI. NPC Interaction.

We are going through great lengths of testing, trial and error, and programming to give each NPC added by this quest a life of their own, Included with personality and style. From Mirage, the death hungry commander, To Silvonous, the Wisecracking vampire with a sick sense of humor. From the very first interaction with a npc of this mod I hope you will notice the difference.

While I do not have any voice actors available to me for this project, we are taking every step to ensure the immersion will be of top level.

NOTE: Voice acting is being planned for later releases of this mod, though it will not be included in this release... SO DON'T BEG FOR IT!!!

VII. Interior Designs.

The Haven [Lore/Somewhat-Technical]: A masive underground... haven; occupied by several NPCs and filled with ever fascinating gadgets as well as combat supplies. The Haven serves as a home for all who server Namira. It includes areas to keep your skills honed (such as the training room) as well as areas to satisfy needs and create supplies (gardens, potion sorter, alchemical apperati, spellmaking and enchanment areas, forges, mines, and specialized equipment for use of Namira's favored subjects. The haven is an entire city of sorts, it is a self-sustaining wonder!

Most credit for the haven goes to Gamerdude (a.k.a. Dwayne); the rest goes to Tc2r (we would of course, not have a haven with him adding all the NPCs).

???Other Locations:

VIII. Advanced Scripts.

Advanced Scripts were added to create a more immersive and more entertaining as well as useful mod.

The following scripts were created by Gamerdude (a.k.a. Dwayne S.); for more detailed and technical information, visit the scripts section of the website

Alchemical Scripts:

Potion Sorter: Un/Slightly modifed version of base script (see below). Constrained to one container (activator version) rather that working on any.

Forge/Item-Creation Scripts:

Namira's [Insert Catchy Name]: Allows for combining of materials and the Orbs of Namira to create customized and enchanted weapons (Derived from Item Maker)

Forge: [Unimplemented]: Allows for creation of common armor from materials found in the haven's deep mines where the ore deposits are extremely rich and plentiful.

Training Room Scripts: They allow for the better training of the player by allowing them to actually raise their skill level.

Archery [Technical Explanation]: They track the arrows path and then based on impact location on the target and distance traveled, increase the player's skill level by an appropriate amount.

Melee [Lore]: Namira shall summon a training subject(s) (creature) of your choice for direct combat experience. Luckily, you are under Namira's Protection in the training room and thus you have no fear of death or permanent injury. Though you may be injured in the training session. Also, if Namira is pleased with your efforts, you will be rewarded appropriately.

Base Scripts which have been modified to meet the specific requirements of this mod:

Potion Sorter: Allows storage and retrival of potions and poisons by effect or type (potion/poison)

Item Maker: An advanced script that for creation of items from lesser objects (accompanied by mining and refining scripts as well)


1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).

Oblivion Mod Manager (OMOD-Ready)
NOTE: This mod is released in what Lhammonds calls "OMOD-Ready"
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager
2. Click on the "Create" button
3. Select "Add Archive"
4. When prompted to import conversion data, select yes
5. Click "Create omod"
6. Activate the mod (select from right pane of OBMM and then click Activate"

NOTE: When running under Windows Vista, the installer will need to run with Administrator privlages (right click and select "Run as Administrator")
1. Run the installer (Vista Users, see above note)
2. Review and Accept License Agrement
3. Find and select your Oblivion Data folder, it should already be done for you (Commonly "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data")
2. Let the installer do the work for you

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.

Example #1 (unique folders to your mod - RECOMMENDED):

OMOD Uninstall
1. Select mod from right pane of Oblivion Mod Manager
2. Click on "Deactivate"
3. Optionally, right click on mod in right pane of OBMM and select "Delete"

There are Very Few Incompatiblities that I can think of from this mod. We have worked hard to ensure it will work with most other mods of it's nature

This mod makes minimal edits to existing resources, so any incompatiblity should be minor; though, it may have trouble with landscape mods that change the height of the landscape at areas used by the mod, if so, compatiblity patches will be made

Known Issues or Bugs
ShadowStep is sometimes glitchy (about 3/100) Just beware of this :P .

1.0 Released Mod o.o

Tc2r (a.k.a Tc):
*PM (BGSF): ....... "Tc2r"
PM (TESNexus): ... "Tc2r"
E-mail: .......... "Tc2r1@yahoo.com"
*YIM: ............. "Tc2r1"
Xfire ............ [private]

Gamerdude (a.k.a. Dwayne S.):
*PM (BGSF): ...... "Gamerdude"
PM (TESNexus): ... "Gamer Dude"
*E-mail: ......... "Dwayne_Sykes@Dishmail.net"
*YIM: ............ "Dwayne_Sykes2000"
Xfire: ........... "Gamerdude08"

Cinkei (a.k.a. [private]):
PM (BGSF): ....... "Cinkei"

*Preferred means of contact

Development Team:

Dre 'Tc2r' White - Team Leader, Head Scripter, Creator, Writer
Dwayne 'GamerDude' Skyes - Scripter, plotter, Interior Designer.
Cinkei - Armor Creator, Weapons Creator, Mesh/texture expert.

Support Team:

Anthrop G - For all his help with scripts, story, plot holes, spells and teaching me bit by bit how to script! Thank you Sensei!

James 'Mysteic' White - For his help with plot and lore, we thank you for all the information and golden storyline you added.

Kittytoaster - For your work on the weather, we thank you for the amazing touch it added. As well as for your help on giving us more ideas.

TheTalkieToaster - For all of your help with scripting, without you we probably would never have gotten much done. Thanks alot!

DarkRder - For your assistance with Contruction set and scripting troubles.

Qazaaq - Your help with advice, storyline, testing and error checking was much appriciated!

ADETH - Your advice on characters and plotline. Mainly your focus on Aigues and all the help you gave us. As well as spell names and abilities

princess_Stomper - your character was what inspired Mirage. Thanks for allowing me to use her likeness :) ( http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e367/princess_stomper/Misc/ScreenShot53.jpg )

Kyoshiro Mibu - Thank you for creating the sword for Dre'Mond the Khajit Night, You took from me the vision of the sword I imagined and made it reality, thanks again :) !

shadow3356 - For all of your help testing things out and ideas you gave us! You sir have a very very dark mind :) thanks for sharing it!

Nivea - Your help on armor and clothing choices for a few of the characters! thanks alot :) .

Credited Work:

7th Keeper's Wooden Sword - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15058

Alexander Wolf's Dark Wings - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5480 - Used on Ryuk the DeathGod partner of Mirage.

skeletonk- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12785 - Dark Illusion Armor Used on Nimbrinia, The Night, a main character of chapter 1

Lera and Pizz -http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15533 - 2hnd sword and a few clothing pieces used on one of the Mirages. Without which, we would not have created the effect that Celesta has.

Ren - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4431 - Used a few eyes and hair styles from t his amazing artistic work.

candykilobyte - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13518 - For the death note book texture and original script for following players.

the_devils_avarcardo - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3731 - For work done on the original green scythe used by the shadowknights.

James Blake - Bany Arwyll -Base of the Shadowknight Haven, of which we completely changed but we did start with this so yeah :)

Quairtra- semi Precious Stones Resource used to create namira's orbs

Cenkai's Credits and Thanks:

LordMaddog- Maddogs Fantasy Mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10416
(Dead sword)

Bloke- Ringwraith mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4311
(Hood, gauntlets)

Nico- Dreadwave Armor http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9611
(part of armor)

Zira- Armor texture help


Thanks to all of those who supported us!
Thanks to all of the fellow modders on the forums who freely gave advice.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to TESNexus.com for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to God for creating us all.

Tools Used
3D Studio Max - http://www.autodesk.com/3dsmax
Adobe Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/family/
Blender - http://www.blender.org/
GIMP - www.gimp.org/
BSA Commander - http://letalka.sourceforge.net/morr/index.htm
Oblivion Mod Manager - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) - http://obse.silverlock.org/
TES4Edit - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536
TES4Files - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8489
TES4Gecko - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8665
TESsnip - http://timeslip.chorrol.com/TESsnip.html
TES Construction Set - http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp
Wrye Bash - http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html
MS Paint

You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of
this mod. If I do not respond within 2 weeks, Please contact one of the other Developers of this mod. If you are unable to reach anyone within 3 weeks, feel free to use parts of this mod however you wish, as long as you give credit for the work we've put our hearts, mind and time into.

A note from gamerdude: We reserve all rights to use OUR work in any way we see fit, including removing your rights for it. K, just had to add that for legal purposes. Have fun with the mod!

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 8:28 am

If this mod is really completed and RELz, then you might want to edit this line near the top of your readme: "I am trying my very best at this mod as it is my first, and all those who are assisting me in it are also doing a great job so far, We hope that you will enjoy it when it is released."

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Greg Swan
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 12:05 am

this mod looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to wait just a little bit before I downloads, mostly so I can build up a character. Congratz on the relz
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 4:58 pm

If this mod is really completed and RELz, then you might want to edit this line near the top of your readme: "I am trying my very best at this mod as it is my first, and all those who are assisting me in it are also doing a great job so far, We hope that you will enjoy it when it is released."

~ fixed

this mod looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to wait just a little bit before I downloads, mostly so I can build up a character. Congratz on the relz

Actually we built the mod to lvl up with your character... cept maybe a lvl 1 character. lol. All you have to do is be prepared when you accept your charges and you should be fine. Like carry potions, scrolls, etc. I completed all the missions using my lvl 5 Taxabi Thief O.o and a silver longsword (curse the game for not putting enough silver short swords around as my baby wants to use that instead of the stupid heavy longsword.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 11:04 pm

Working on getting them screenshots up on TES Nexus ATM :D

So get this thing, play it, and love it. :hubbahubba:

And don't blame me when your character get his/her [self-censor] kicked in the epic battles, or you have an epileptic seizure from all the action :D

C'mon guys, DL this thing. Play it! There is no need to build your character, it will just be one moment and it all suddenly starts. Then, it just hits you, the game has finally begun!

If you like this, please vote for it as well. This mod has been 2 years in the making and adds an entire new arsenal of weapons, and entirely new idea, somewhat like scripts, "orbs" are rare, precious, one-use magical items. They can be a tool of great power, when used carefull and skillfully they can destroy your enemies, but when misused, they can destroy you!

There are countless new spells added, a massive haven and a new, massive and immersive dungeon. This mod is not known to conflict with any other mods at the moment. This mod does not edit any external landscapes nor does it replace any original cells so there should not be any compatibility problems.
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jessica breen
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 5:16 am

Finally :)
can't wait to try it out :goodjob:
congratulations on the release guys
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A Dardzz
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 7:09 am

Looks fantastic! I will be playing it tonight.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 8:15 am

Thanks, we hope you enjoy it, remember there is no other way to "start" this mod but to have it checked in load list, after that things will start when they need to ;)
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 3:58 am

Is anyone having trouble with the textures or meshes? I've seen one message/report of such so far.

I run windows 7 and windows xp on the same system, oblivion installed on both operating systems and due to win7's dir the file paths are different to get to the data folder of oblivion on xp and win7. Yet the armor and etc all show up accordingly on my machine, so i cannot for the life of me confirm what a fellow modder has told me in message.

If anyone is having trouble with the meshes and etc. please say so and I will work to get it fixed asap.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 9:53 pm

Sounds realy good, I'll check it out! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!

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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 1:51 am

Download link not working - states no file with that ID exists.

Could you say something more about it being chapter I?

I take it that chapter 1 is playable, but does the whole quest and arch of the plot just end dangling there? Are we to be left with waiting for parts 2+?

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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 2:56 am


Tesnexus is being rather glitchy as of late, this should provide you with the link though no matter. Lol once you're at the mod's page you will be able to clearly see that the previous link I provided was actually correct and that tesnexus just hates me -_-.

Return Of Shadows as we have set, will be broken into four chapters. Each chapter focusing on a major theme. The first is being a shadow knight and gaining your powers and spells. In it you will enjoy your missions and charges and basically pleasing Namira, while being introduced to the themes of the mod as well as the other factions.
Think of it like a movie if you will, it is part 1 in a set of four movies, each with their own conclusion however each connected to the other.

The theme of Chapter I is "What have you done now?"
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 8:26 pm

Is anyone having trouble with the textures or meshes? I've seen one message/report of such so far.

I run windows 7 and windows xp on the same system, oblivion installed on both operating systems and due to win7's dir the file paths are different to get to the data folder of oblivion on xp and win7. Yet the armor and etc all show up accordingly on my machine, so i cannot for the life of me confirm what a fellow modder has told me in message.

If anyone is having trouble with the meshes and etc. please say so and I will work to get it fixed asap.

downloaded it over night and yes you do have bad texture paths in there (of the type c:\program files\bethesda softworks\oblivion\data\textures\whateverpath, when it should be textures\whateverpath)... but easy to fix in a non horribly time consuming way (ie manually changing them all with nifskope) took very little time indeed (less time than writing up this post)... uploading fixed meshes right now, I'll post the link when it is done).
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 2:40 am

downloaded it over night and yes you do have bad texture paths in there (of the type c:\program files\bethesda softworks\oblivion\data\textures\whateverpath, when it should be textures\whateverpath)... but easy to fix in a non horribly time consuming way (ie manually changing them all with nifskope) took very little time indeed (less time than writing up this post)... uploading fixed meshes right now, I'll post the link when it is done).
Pacific Morrowind

Thanks PacificMorrwind, you're the bestest! *was wondering if he would have to download nifskope and try to figure it out himself* woot :)
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 12:17 am

TES Nexus was giving me "IPS Database" errors last night everywhere on the site (not just this mod) so it was probably having a 2010 glitch.

Anyway, we are getting the meshes fixed and should have a fixed mod soon. I am also working on a goody pack update to be released as a... update. It won't change anything as far as progress or anything like that. You just drop in the update and find a few new toys in the haven.

As far as this being Chapter I, yes it is playable and finished, it is an entire storyline in itself, it will add hours of gameplay. Yes, it will end with a little plot twist near the end. Yes, Chapter 2 is in the works already and we figure it shouldn't take too long, because we don't have to do anything like the Haven over again. Chapter 2 will just add on to the quests, maybe add some new characters, and maybe a couple new dungeons or a castle or something like that. We are unsure how many chapters this mod will be, however, I can assure you it will be much longer than 2 chapters :D Tc has a plan in his head, and we have conquered Ch. 1, the ones from now on should fly by quickly.

Basically, don't wait to DL this mod. We released this because we are confident it is ready and I can personally assure you it won't just "end" improperly. It is a well planned release strategy aimed at getting the mod into your hands sooner so that you can enjoy the hours of gameplay this adds while we work on expanding it. If you play this normally, and don't just barrel through the mod, we might just have Chapter II out before you are even done :D
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 9:36 am

It's been blocked! (Heh, I know - it's probably just until you get the update added.) I want to try this out, though - my current PC is a mercenary/assassin type who will do just about anything if the price is right.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 9:23 am

Some of the texture path's didn't need fixing but that is all of the meshes since I just ran a quick PyFFI script that fixed all of the texture paths in alll of the meshes in 3 minutes... just overwrite the existing meshes. I would expect that about 60% of users would have had no problem with the texture paths.
Pacific Morrowind
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 3:04 am

Thanks, I'm dl'ing now. I will get it uploaded to TES Nexus and unblock it ASAP.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 2:48 am

Uploading Another Version for those with the game installed somewhere besides default directory.

For those who's game is installed in programs/beth/etc it should work already and you can download either version.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 12:04 pm

"can we just get Cinkei to make a blender model and animate a blade at the bottom and drop the player in that" ~ Dwayne

way to reduce my awesome idea for a boss fight into pure comedy. from pure epic to a wtf moment in 3 secs, bravo. Though that would be sooo funny i'm sure the player would be like ... ... LOL and then the sword falls into the blender with em, lets do that!
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 9:33 am

Said boss fight would involve lots of scripting, I was just throwing out an idea to take some work off me :D
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 11:04 pm

We have the texture fixes uploaded. I uploaded two forms of the patches (they are both the same thing). There is a self-extracting one and a normal 7-zip archive. This is only if you downloaded before we fixed the main files. If you download the mod now it does not require any patches or updates.

Only 150 downloads? C'mon guys and girls (yes, we know you play Oblivion :D). This is a great mod, 2 years in the making, the amount of entirely new weapons and textures added is unreal!
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 8:58 am

C'mon guys, DL this thing. Play it! There is no need to build your character, it will just be one moment and it all suddenly starts. Then, it just hits you, the game has finally begun!

I meant more for roleplaying purposes lol, not so much that I need a powerful character. I just started a new character who is new to the mages guild. I'm not ready for him to become a messenger of death haha
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 9:35 am

Ive downloaded the mod, it looks awesome, but i cant get it to work for some reason.my game crashes when i try to load a save outside.When I load a save that has my character in an interior, it will crash when i transition to an exterior cell. It does not happen with a new character tho, but the character i was originally trying to use it with was new as well, just about an hour of play time on that one. Its doing this with my other characters as well. Would you like me to post my LO? Im going to start disabling mods to try and find a conflict
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Post » Tue May 24, 2011 1:02 pm

I downloaded the version with the music (very cool music, I like it - I think I'm gonna keep them either way :P) and installed it successfully. However, I encountered a problem immediately after trying to load my savegame and game crashed. I tried second time, taking another save and that worked - I did some tests, saving wasn't problem and I could quick travel without any problem. Then I decided to figure out HOW to start this questline and went to Namira's shire - weather changed so suddenly from sunny to stormy (pretty cool btw) and knew that it was effect by this mod.
Then I tried to start Namira's daedric quest and in order to get my character a little more... unattractive I changed my fame to 0 and raised infamy to 200. After doing that Mirage appeared and said something like "Are you looking place to die?" but she didn't have any more dialog. She didn't have any voice (this was fully-voiced, I think?[EDIT: yeah, I read that this doesn't have yet voice-acting. No issue then.) and she was also essential. Then I opened my inventory, which immediately let to crash.

This mod looks so far very interesting and cool, but there are some strange bugs/mod conflicts which make playing this veeery hard. Sad, I looked really forward to playing this =/.
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Robert Jr
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