i tossed this around before the game dropped some im bringing it back after investing time in skyrim . now that this prophecy surrounding the five games is done with the thalmor on the rise and looking to claim tamriel (i say this becuase they have the khajitts wrapped around their finger black marsh is isolated but strong they did mercilessly beat the dremora, hammerfell is on its own ,orsimer is in ruin, the empire is just cyrodil and high rock and it took the combined might of hammerfell, highrock,skyrim,and cyrodil just to achieve as stalemate , of course morrowind is no military threat as it is , and skyrim may or may no be independant by tes 6 either way the empire is too weak) so consider this the thalmor rule most of tamriel theyre recovering from a slightly easier war leaving on hammerfell and black marsh to be conquered but conquering these trivial races should prove no problem for these cocky elves a thalmor justiciar is publicly disciplining heimskr in whitrun when all off a sudden theres a boom ...then another...pretty soon theres a brass giant waking about ..turns out the dwemer werent dead just on vacation in another realm..but now theyre back.. who wins? you decide! :thumbsup: