» Fri May 13, 2011 3:34 pm
I'd love to see it come with a curse. It should be the most powerful weapon in the game, but the cost of wielding it should make the player think seriously about wielding it.
The curse shouldn't be obvious from the outset. You get this amazing sword, for a few days you use it to rain hell down on your enemies, everything's great. After a few nights you hear voices, voices of the past owners of Umbra. Some issuing a warning, telling you to destroy the blade. Others promising you power, and demanding blood. If you choose to ignore the voices, the effects get progressively worse. Randomly you would go into a craze, where your life would gradually drain until you killed someone or something. This could happen anytime, anywhere - in the wilds, in the middle of a crowded town. Obviously failure to kill before you life runs out would result in death, while killing would restore a portion of your life. The duration and frequency of the craze would vary, depending on how long you have possessed the sword. When the crazes are very frequent, you may find yourself avoiding settlements and spending all your time in the wilds, avoiding the civilized in case you feel the need to kill again.
There needs to be a way of breaking the curse, and it shouldn't be as easy as just dropping the sword. In the early stages, when you still have your mind mostly intact, sure, you can choose to leave the sword in a lake or sell it to some unfortunate merchant. But in the later stages, when the crazes are taking a hold, the sword will not allow you to discard it. Attempts to would result in a message saying "You don't want to do that." or something along those lines. Instead you will need to find a mage, maybe even a specific character, who will send you on a series of quests to defeat the curse, and perhaps ultimately destroy the blade.