» Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:05 pm
or they will stop supporting PC platform alltogether seeing how whinny and bichy PC fans are and how impaitent pc fans are? i personally enjoy this game and i dont know why do i keep writting here when all satisfied players are just playing the game and whinners( about 5% of total C2 pc population) are here?
Hmmm. So lets say your mommy didn't buy you the game and you had to earn the money to buy the game and come to find out the game is full of bugs, glitches, cheaters, and suffers from consolitus, would you be pissed off then? If you don't have any respect for yourself then sure why would you care, but us PC users care about quality games because we have quality hardware. If you don't see that than I think you belong in the Xbox section.