Return your retail copy of Crysis 2 PC

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:50 pm

After weeks of frustration and constant banging of the head against my desk waiting for patches and updates...I decided the only recourse to get Crytek to listen was to return the game to Best Buy where I purchased it. Now we all know every retailer has a "no return policy" for opened software, but we also know that if you complain long and loud enough, you will find a manager willing to hear your story. I brought along about 5 pages of printouts of the gamesas forum addressing Crysis 2 PC issues, and suggested they could check the over 200 pages on the forum of similar problems if they didn't believe my story. I was given a return of store credit for my purchase, which I used to by 2 other games that aren't full of bugs and excuses. I know this won't help the many people who bought through Steam or any other online etailer...but for those who bought the retail copy of this game, I strongly urge you to try to return it. Maybe if EA/Crytek lose enough money from returns, they can start to pay attention to the serious problems with this so called "game" they refer to as Crysis 2.
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 am

I agree with you. Too bad I bought it online. So sad that even with all these complaints we are still where we are now... :(
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:31 pm

or they will stop supporting PC platform alltogether seeing how whinny and bichy PC fans are and how impaitent pc fans are? i personally enjoy this game and i dont know why do i keep writting here when all satisfied players are just playing the game and whinners( about 5% of total C2 pc population) are here?
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james tait
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:57 am

If you're "enjoying" the game, then this post isn't meant for you. Glad to hear you're one of the lucky few that doesn't have a glitchy, bugged out game. For the rest of the PC users (closer to 80% not 5%) that are having constant problems should follow my advice.
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Solène We
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:20 pm

i dont know why do i keep writting here

Then dont, and the rest of us not getting what we paid for will.
Simple, right?
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Add Meeh
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:46 pm

I'm starting to think returning it is a good idea. I bought the game last night and already am getting pissed with it. I bought mine from EBgames but i know theyd let me return it since they all know me and i have bought tons of games and other items from them.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:05 pm

or they will stop supporting PC platform alltogether seeing how whinny and bichy PC fans are and how impaitent pc fans are? i personally enjoy this game and i dont know why do i keep writting here when all satisfied players are just playing the game and whinners( about 5% of total C2 pc population) are here?

Hmmm. So lets say your mommy didn't buy you the game and you had to earn the money to buy the game and come to find out the game is full of bugs, glitches, cheaters, and suffers from consolitus, would you be pissed off then? If you don't have any respect for yourself then sure why would you care, but us PC users care about quality games because we have quality hardware. If you don't see that than I think you belong in the Xbox section.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 am

Good one :)
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:38 pm

Thanks for the heads up. I too bought the retail version at Best Buy and your recommendation and how you went about it is good advice. I'm seriously considering returning my copy too. Mainly because I'm one of the sufferes of the 'The Connection to the Session Has Been Lost' and for the most part, I have not been able to play this game since I purchased it three weeks ago. I'll probably give Crytek till early/mid next week to produce a patch before taking it back. I need to check the date on the receipt to make sure it falls within the 30 days.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 am

Thanks for the heads up. I too bought the retail version at Best Buy and your recommendation and how you went about it is good advice. I'm seriously considering returning my copy too. Mainly because I'm one of the sufferes of the 'The Connection to the Session Has Been Lost' and for the most part, I have not been able to play this game since I purchased it three weeks ago. I'll probably give Crytek till early/mid next week to produce a patch before taking it back. I need to check the date on the receipt to make sure it falls within the 30 days.

They wont fix until next week. They'll prolly not fix it until next year the way things are going. Just return it and buy it from the bargain-bin in a few months time.
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Pawel Platek
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