I've bought Skyrim for PS3 quite a while ago, and I used play it a lot (I was also reading in this forum a lot, but I've never created an account). I really like the game, but even though I've spent a couple hundreds of hours playing it, I've never actually managed to finish the story before I (eventually) got hooked by another game. However, now I feel like I want to spend some time with Skyrim again. But before I make a new character, I have some questions.
1. Since I've played, the addons got released for PS3. Now I wonder if I should buy them one by one, or if I should just wait a bit longer and buy the complete bundle for PC. Thing is, I got used to play it at the PS3 already, and I like how it plays there... the only downside is the limited amount of hotkeys for weapon/spell-swapping. Oh well, and maybe also the absence of Quicksave/Quickload. And the graphics (compared to those on PC) of course. Uhm, oh well. But I DO like playing it on PS3, and I don't know if I'd like it as much on the computer.
2. If I get the addons, is it still like it used to be, that the Dawnguard-quest automatically starts as soon as you reach lvl 10? And is it also still the case that if this happens, vampires begin to randomly attack cities and kill NPC's you wouldn't want to die for one or the other reason?
3. Do you still need Dawnguard to be able to craft arrows (and dragonbone weapons; though I don't care as much about those as I do care about arrows)?
4. With one of my characters, I've tried being a vampire. I didn't play that for long, though; because every time I left a building or a cave I got that annoying sound and effect played that told me that I feel weak due to being exposed to sunlight. Is it still like that? I don't really intend to become a vampire with my next character, but you never know. ^^
I think that's it for now. If some more questions come to my mind... oh well, this forum luckily isn't going to run away anytime soon (I guess). ^^