The revolver your speaking of is the and it is more than likely chambered in .45-70, We've been speculating a lot in the Guns/Ammo thread about what could be the elusive .45-70 weapon. One of our speculations was this beautiful revolver that has been added to the game. (Credit goes to .46ACP, it was his guess.) :tops:
On-topic: I'm pretty sure there will be a .44 Magnum it'll just have its own strengths & weaknesses compared to using a .357 Magnum, We'll find out more about how exactly that will play out when we get our hands on Fallout New Vegas October 19th.
Yay me!
Josh clearly said that the revolver caliber hierarchy would be .357>.44>.45-70. For those of you that don't know it, the .45-70 Government (as it is called) was a military round designed for the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield rifle, the standard issue rifle for the US Army from 1873-1893. It is a black powder round, but for that time, a very high velocity, flat shooting small caliber round. There were many rifles chambered for it, included but not limited to: the Sharps 1874; the Winchester 1885 & 1886; some Remington Rolling blocks; some Marlin-Ballard rifles; the first military issue bolt action repeater, the 1879 Winchester-Hotchkiss; and the first successful box magazine bolt-action the Remington-Lee 1885.
During the second half of the 19th century, sport target shooting with rifles like the Creedmore Remingtons and Ballards was as popular a sport as golf is today. It was huge and there were many, many very well made single shot targer rifles made during that time in .45-70 Gov. In more modern times, Winchester, Ruger, Remington and many antique firearm replica companies have come back out with these kinds of rifles. There are also a number of pistol manufacturers that have produced firearms that chamber this round, most notably Thompson/Center and Magnum Research. Magnum Research makes a HUGE frame revolver called a BFR. Biggest, Finest, Revolver. Yeah, right. Well is is famous for chambering absolutely huge rounds like the .500 SW, the .454j Casull, and mine and Alois Hammer's favorite, the .45-70. This is a really big rifle round fired from a handgun. Much more oomph than that puny little .50AE. Just so you can get a feel for how powerful the round is, in my books of ammo listings, it is the second most powerful round before they start to list the kind of rounds used on elephants. When I say buffalo rifle, the picture that pops into your mind is probably chambered in .45-70.