revamp old games

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:56 pm

I was wondering since I have ordered a GOTY edition of Morrowind and anniversary of Oblivion, why they don't go through the old game and make them xbox controller compatible. I did get xpadder so I know how that all works, but why not go through and maybe work on these games to bring them up to date and sell them. I mean they revamped star wars for the theater and made a killing. Why not put some work on the old ones and re release them. Maybe my idea is too far fetched but they already have the game already finished just need to go and make some minor touches and incorporate the controller into the game. Its not that much when you get down to it, so if they didn't sell a million copies over night its not like they are losing much, but it could be something great for the fans.
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