Anyway, back to hacking, they show vault boy get attacked when he leans on a computer. I recall fallout 3 and new vegas' hacking to be easy, given the skill. All you needed to do was exit the terminal on your last try and restart.
So my thought is maybe you cant just exit a terminal this time over, you HAVE to see it through to the end to be able to get off without consequence - if you mess up or turn away from the terminal, alarms will trigger or (if its an advanced place you're hacking) robots/humans/otherwise will attack you.
This makes hacking ALOT more relevant.. In the sence that there wouldnt be 10 terminals dotted around giving you access to one thing or commands for a small area of turrets, there may be 2/3 with one computer being the main terminal for security and the rest for the player to discover because theres actually some degree of skill involved..
Its speculation but heyho, thats all we can expect from an unreleased game. Even a month after release people are still finding things in MGS V: TPP and thats even on lastgen.. Fallout 4 has some grand-esque 10/10 western RPG developers making it for 4 years prior to this and its incapable of being played on lastgen.
I think it'd be fine to expect some decent change.