GAMEPLAY: As with the previous crysis , you can play this game any way you want. I love firing up cloak and just stealth killing everything i can and not being detected , or ramboing through areas with max armor. The first time i played through the game , it ran a little over 9 hours ( total time ) but according to my timer with deaths and all i spent 13 hours on it ( i do like to explore and look around ).
GRAPHICS: This game is beyond beautiful and runs great on 360 but of course looks better on pc. On the 360 there is some texture pop-up and limitations of draw distance but the game still looks absolutely beautiful.
SOUND: Voice acting is great and so are the sound effects. The game has around 15 to 18 db's of dynamic range , bass is a little lean but does has good extension down to 25-22hz. There are some issues where the games soundtrack skips on the 360 but its rare and no big deal. BTW the games score is incredible.
BUGS : Now with all games there are bugs , some are no big deal , some hurt the game. Crysis 2 has some bugs that can take you out of the incredible experience. AI is the games biggest strength and weakness. Enemies will walk in circles or get stuck in walls or sometimes take a second to realize your standing right next to them. The other stuff is effects getting stuck in the air or things not falling like they should in the scripted moments.
CONCLUSION: This is the most fun i have had on a SP game in years. The amount of replay value of this game is incredible. I can see myself playing through this game at least 5 to 6 times ( i hardly play through a game more than twice ) The multi in this game is also incredible but thats a whole other area and im sure they are going to patch the crap out of it over there next few months to get it even more perfect.
Thank you Crytek for this incredible game