Oh my. This guy's a real genius.
I wonder if he had actually played it, he was so vague. Again, IBT, lol.
Oh my. This guy's a real genius.
I wonder if he had actually played it, he was so vague. Again, IBT, lol.
Every Fallout 4 search that went to IBT that I can find now returns a 404.
I think Bethesda reminded them what a review release date means.
And Monday is not that far off. I am actually looking forward to going through the reviews.
Will help kill time until we can play.
The game is not out.
I am NOT reading reviews.
I am NOT watching leaked videos.
I am NOT looking at leaked images..
To me, the whole review was summed up in the title - the writer doesn't believe that this game can possibly live up to all of the hype surrounding it. Like that's never happened before.
Good. He's warning the world. If Bethesda was truly confident in their product they would have early reviews up. I hate review embargo's so much. They only hinder the players. It's all the the benefit of Bethesda. I might cancel my preorder now since I haven't redeemed my gmg key. I knew something like this would happen. We'll see. I still think its great Bethesda is being taken down a peg. They aren't infallible folks.
Now I'm sure Fallout 4 will be alright, but long gone are the days where Bethesda is the only one making decent open world games.
His review is back up by the way folks. Censorship isn't a laughing manor. It's way too late now anyways with the internet taking screen caps of everything. It just confirms everything I seen form streams and impressions from others who beat the game and or played more than he did.
he isnt warning nothing, plus review embargo arent something new, plus they embargo is lift the 9, so u could have wait till the 9 to buy the game.
I really getting tired of ppl saying stuff like this, since no one is forcing u to pre-buy the game.
Most games don't live up to the hype fans give it. Look at Halo 5 as the recent example. I don't expect FO4 to be some master piece just a good
I'm not concerned about him writing a poor review, in fact i'd be surprised if all reviews are great ones considering no game is perfect.
What does annoy me is the fact that he has put spoilers in a review which he put up before we all can play the game, braking an embargo.
Actually with how much prices on games are going up in Canada I can only afford a new game when it's on discount. The only way to do that is to pre-order with a site like gmg. I didn't redeem my key though. I was a little too savvy for that. Corporate [censored] to its supreme. Games are becoming more expensive than Warhammer 40k models! That's [censored] insane folks! Do you know how expensive Warhammer 40k is? It's pretty much THE nerd/geeky definition of way too expensive and games are now getting more expensive than it and being really terrible these days. Chopped up into a thousand pieces. I mostly stopped playing games the last few years because of how bad they all are. That or they get announced several years too early and get delayed years on end. At least Bethessda didn't announce it years before being done thing.
I salute you Vincent Balestriere, for the honour of giving the people an early review to go off of. For the kind act of caring about us and needing to share your opinion. May the repercussions not be too severe and keep up the good fight.
Preview review. That's cute. Wonder if the lawyers will buy it?
Well who gave them the game to review in the first place?
Looking at the hours I will put in Fallout 4 playing and making mods for it, I have to say it's worth it. Is it pricy? Yep. Is it worth it: From all what I have seen to date: Hell yeah. Btw. I live in europe and actually compared to US and Canada we still have to pay more.
This is going to be controversial, but I don't like most mods They just come off as cheap versions of what other games do better from the start. I just stick to graphics mods ect. I know a lot of people put hard work into them, but that's why I would rather buy a farming simulator as opposed to working in some less than amazing farming aspects to say... Morrowind for example. Back in the day there wasn't as much games as there are now. Now I have games for everything.
Forbes is another business publication that does video game reviews, a lot of them actually very good. Certainly better than the joke that passes for "journalism" at places like Kotaku and IGN.
Perfectly fine. I make mods to enhance my own enjoyment in the game. Releasing them happens but thats not why I make them.
Yeah Forbes is a fairly decent site. It's got some misses here and there but they have decent reviews. The Esscapist went hokerrs though. Full on insanity.
So instead of playing games because they or too bad and expensive you go on the forums of said games and trash them? Thanks for your input but i think you can do something better with your time.
And if people do that then come here and post about it they should be shown the door.
Nope, I research them in depth. I go into an extensive period of time to see if they are worth my time and/or money. I'm sure Fallout 4 will be alright, I might play it. I'll wait for some more reviews. At this point I've played Fallout 3. My memories of that game aren't very fond when compared to New Vegas. If this is just more Fallout 3 I can pass. Wasteland 2 even beat them to the robot punch since it launched sooner. That games plot involved synthetics as well.
i dont want to sound mean but move away from Canada, lol i live on Argentina, and with our horrible economy isnt easy for me to buy game either, but i know isnt the publisher foult, is my own countries economy.
Lol. No, they don't. That's not what review embargoes are for.
Feel free to list a few other good recent open world RPGs playable from a first person perspective. I can't think of many.
As to reviews, not everyone gets Bethesda style games. Some people need to be led by the nose from point to point, and actually being told "Here is the world, go explore it" confuses them. Others, like the NMA crowd, simply hate Bethesda for daring to touch the franchise in the first place.
I didn't read the review because I didn't want spoilers, but did this reviewer state that he's been a fan of previous Bethesda offerings? If not, he probably wasn't qualified to write a review that would be relevant to me anyhow. I want to hear the opinion of someone who actually gets and enjoys Bethesda games ... someone who, familiar with the past offerings, can accurate guage how this one stacks up and whether changes were in a good direction.
LOL Mass effect beat them first, Blade runner beat them 20 years ago. really weak point.
Im sitting on around 15 hours playtime right now, and the game is great.
I didnt read the review but i guess that guy never played or liked the other fallout games. I loved them and fallout 4 feels just right!
There is only one annoying/boring thing in the game. And thats the issue with breaking down trash items.
There has to be a fix from bethesda or a mod has to be released asap. Because this was the only flaw i had so far in the game.