Reminds me of a certain stream I was watching last night. Guy took the user name Todd Howard and was harassing the streamer for a good six hours straight. The fact that he didn't run out of material was impressive.
Do they really make reviewers sign legal documents? I was under the impression they just gave out review copies with the understanding that if you break the embargo you get blacklisted and people aren't going to send you review copies anymore?
Yeah, the followers are a bit of step back from New Vegas. You didn't hear that from me though.
* sigh* That's disappointing. Are at least as good as Serena?
You research carefully yet you preordered Fallout 4? So you will be clever and cancel the preorder based on a single not so well rendered opinion. But if you cancel then you won't be able to afford the game because you could only swing it because you preordered.
Got it.
I hope todd sees this someday, to realize just how much he's influenced people. People 100 years in the future are going to think he was revered as some kind of deity.
That's not a good thing. If it takes hours for the game to start getting fun, your average gamer is going to stop playing. That was one of the main points that the reviewer made; he said that Fallout fans would be well immersed, but newcomers might not be so willing to stick it out.
This so called "review" is pure garbage! Here I am a once proud Saints Row 1 and 2, GTA San Andreas and GTA V gamer totally won over by Fallout 3 and New Vegas and I just straight up know that Fallout 4 will be Epic!
My fellow Fallout gamers, don't listen to these trolls trying to spoil this experience for us! They know their pathetic CoD and GTA Online can't touch Fallout 4!!
I guess so, however anybody with an physical console version is free to do as he like, that it outside of posting spoilers here.
You will see the term "NDA" used a lot. It stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement. It is a legal contract signed between two parties and is an important way that a company (in this case Bethesda) can protect proprietary or secret information (in this case an early copy of the game) to outside entity (in this case the reviewer). In order to get an early copy to review, the reviewer agrees not to disclose any information about the game until a certain date. This is very common as companies of all kinds use an NDA to protect intellectual property when they have a need to disclose it any outside entity.
If someone signed an NDA to get the game and disclosed information early, they would be in breech of contract and could be sued for damages.
I'm not convinced that an IBT review of this game should be given any weight.