Did anyone get a picture of the review, I missed it
Did anyone get a picture of the review, I missed it
Is it known how many review copies Bethesda sent out? Because I had never heard of IBT and from what you guys are saying he doesn't seem too knowledgeable about the subject. I figured Beth sent out maybe 50 review copies but if relatively obscure websites like this one have received a copy Beth must have sent out hundreds.
Once again the mysterious stranger serves justice, Not batman, Mysterious stranger
I can dismiss the difficulty he had with the MQ and evident disinterest in exploring but it makes my face sad that he didn't like the characters either, was kinda hoping Bethesda would improve there.
Not necessarily. it's not what you know it's who you know...you know?
I agree. He did have me a little worried when he said the characters in DAI are more interesting and everyone in Fallout 4 seem bland. That said I'm waiting to save judgement for myself. I enjoyed the characters in DAI but didn't find as interesting as a lot of people seem to.
man that is a bad review and when i mean bad i mean as a review. He have 0 clue about Fallout games. And he say DA:I is similar to a Fallout game. /sight i wonder how some of this ppl get this jobs.
Anyway, this isnt the only review there are other on Youtube, about the first impressions on the game. (on a side note, on one of this reviews, u can see the PC knocking down mannequins when he run trow a store, SOOO COOL)
A Sandbox game like Skyrim or Fallout needs atleast 100+ to even start of making a review. Even then you need to remember that you are touching the surface of the game world. I hope some other people will sit & wait. Playing the game and changing players and charaters to get a good idea. What they should write and what works in this game, also what does not work for some reason or another.
few hours of playing does not cut it for story driven large games. You might get a crasp of Cod or TF2 in 4-8 hours.
The only thing that got me slightly worried was when he stated that the characters were boring... I'm really hoping this is false. Though, I bet for someone who is new to the game it may be true, but for those who know the game series well, I bet this game will have a lot of interesting character tie ins that will give us the background of characters that newcomers won't have.
You will complete thier entire campaign in that time.
i wouldnt put to much into mind with what he said, considering his review was just him being....bad, or just flat out uninterested in the game from the get go.
i remember when i got CoD MW and i was "yeah lets play the campaign" and i finish it in 4hs, it was the day i realize CoD game are garbage when it come to single player.
Might also be worth flagging the prologue spoiler on that archive copy
So what have we learned? (nothing jaw dropping but here goes)
Yep, that works for me...
Wow... you can tell he is not good at reviewing games if he just blatantly spoils the beginning of it.
worm you can figure out the story of FPS game in 1 minute. But the multiplayer mechanics and viable tactis and loadouts takes much longer.
He played for over 20 hours and seemingly finished the game. He simply pointed out that by the 10 hour mark he was bored.
this is good, Fallout 3 took me 10hs to do only the main quest when i reinstall it and power walk trow it just focus on the main story (no DLC)
So if it take 20hs is longer then =P