He never said he finished it. He says that after 20 hours of him getting more equipped to make things easier for him the story gets more interesting, and he unsure if the ending is going to be "worth the investment."
He never said he finished it. He says that after 20 hours of him getting more equipped to make things easier for him the story gets more interesting, and he unsure if the ending is going to be "worth the investment."
I do think if I were going to risk the legalities of breaking an embargo I'd at least have a lot of information to share.
he only did a couple, as he state he find boring he need to speak with other NPC.
so really he didnt play the game as a Review will play and open world game. I will wait for actual Video game sites review the game to get any conclusion, that really for me dont meter since i learn that reviews are opinions of only 1 person.
That's why I said seemingly. The fact that he said the story gets more interesting but he's not sure if the investment is worth the payoff seemed to imply to me that he finished it. Otherwise how would he know the payoff?
But he might not have finished it yes. He did play for at least around 20 hours though not the 10 that people were accusing him of.
Its sad when a review is so bad that 4 Chan, the people who normally think every review is [censored] and bought off by the companies, has actually said this review made them MORE HYPED for the game.
I think if you dump close to a day into a game you should be able to come to a decent appreciation for what it is. Or maybe Bethesda will be the first game studio to deliver a game in which the last 380 hours of content is so different from the first 20 that it will completely change someone's opinion.
Yeah, but only 20 hours after the review copies have been out for how long? When it comes out ill well over 20 hours in the first week.
We don't know anything for sure about the guy or when he got his review copy. As I've said previously I really think arguing that close to a day's worth of investment into a game isn't enough to get an appreciation for it is a pretty extreme attitude. This isn't like a two hour excerpt done at a booth this was at least 20 hours of unfettered access to a game. If a game can't be fairly judged by that point the onus is on someone but it certainly isn't the reviewer.
20 hours is a long time... That's almost as if he sat down and played the game for a whole day straight, no eating, no breaks, no sleeping. Just because many of us huge fans will have played that amount easily, does not mean everyone does.
I take anything a reviewer says with a grain of salt. Especially one's from magazines or websites. Reviews are their job and they have a lot of games to wade through. I doubt many take the time to really enjoy a game when you HAVE to for your paycheck.
True, i guess the real reviews will come out on Tuesday and later this week.
who goes to "International Business Times" for a review.
And if I see a single spoiler in here or any thread, the account will be suspended until after the game is released. Lots of us are trying hard not to be spoiled.
Do not read the review then...
I did so, to check it out and view his opinions and the reviewer completely spoiled the prologue
He clearly knows nothing of Fallout. There are things that he may have missed in the game that fans would easily pick up on. These little details make the story in Fallout 4. Just like if you have never played FO2, you miss out on so much in FONV. The guy had a job to do and he did it poorly. If he had a copy for this long and only played 20 hrs, he must have rushed just to finish the main quest. Yea, I'm sure the characters seemed boring to him.
Meh. None of us can truly understand his assertions, since most of us have been Fallout fans since at least 2008. For newcomers, the game may very well seem a little impenetrable. You're criticizing his review because you say he just doesn't get Fallout, but isn't that the exact conclusion that he reached? Fallout fans will probably love it, but those new to the franchise might find it a little daunting and lose interest before things get good.
He says this in the review? When I read it he said that after about 20 hours he was able to build up a decent number of perks and arsenal to tackle bigger main quests, but that he isn't confident that the payoff is even worth it.
From what I read it sounds like he has played over 20 hours, since at 20 hours he had finished enough "bland" side-quests to conquer the main quests. It also sounds like he might have completed the main quest as he's commenting on the payoff.
A reviewer tried the game and thought it was boring, but no! That can't be right!
I certainly don't know if the review is "good" or not (whatever that means), but the reviewer does not appear to have played the game in a manner is that is very anologous to how I plan on playing it. Because of this, I'm not too concerned with his complaints.
i think ppl criticizing his review bc he speak about the game moving slow, when any Open world game move slow, Witcher 3 did it, GTA did it.
For me he have 0 clue about what a Open world game is about.
The reviewer is an idiot. He got bored playing an open world game (WTF??). The characters from DAI were more interesting (again, WTF?? - had he said more annoying, I may have agreed with him on that point)
He should back to CoD and Hello Kitty online and forget about such "boring" games.
Honestly, his review just made me want Fallout 4 that much more! Glad I got a Pipboy Edition!
Avoiding spoilers like the plague and of all people it's the International Business Times who wrecks my streak.
Don't read the review if you want to avoid spoilers guys.