» Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:08 pm
NPCs actually noticed your status- This happens in Skyrim as well. Unless I was totally just tripping off drugs all the times NPC's referred to me as Dragonborn and made various remarks about it, recognized my status in the College of Winterhold, made comments about the weapons that I had equipped, and recognized my proficiency in specific skills.
5x more spells and effects-I'll give you this.
4x more type of monsters (30 in skyrim, 120 in morrowind)I thought I had heard this was proven wrong. In the end, to be quite honest, I haven't really noticed.
Attributes that effected skilltrees - Not depth. Also, there's no such thing as a "skill tree" in Morrowind. Morrowind's skills are nothing more than ever increasing numbers for your stats.
No Perks - Perks actually add MORE depth to Skyrim's skill system.
No smithing, enchanting - Enchanting is in Morrowind, and Smithing is an entirely new skill, which by definition adds depth.
Mysticism, 1 handed blade, blunt 2 handed blade, blunt - All of these things are still in Skyrim. Mysticism is merged with Alteration (and Soul Trap merged with Conjuration), and weapon specializations are perks in the One Handed and Two Handed trees, as you can perk into which weapon type you want to specialize in.
I am a huge Morrowind really devoted fan, but I don't think I can agree that it's "deeper" than Skyrim.