I spend roughly 150 hours in Skyrim so far and I must agree with most points in this thread.
I′m not really far in the Main Storyline, I finished the Thieves and Companion Quest and am mostly doing
quests, Town by Town. So when looking at the Skyrim Map, there is still a lot to do and explore. Really a lot.
But I must say, having done maybe 1/4 of what is out there I allready have everything I need. I have a Deadric Armor
with nearly 800 of overall armor rating. I have the best sword one can imagine and I don′t know where to spend my money on.
Don′t get me wrong. I crafted the Deadric Armor when I was level 47 while I could have crafted it way earlier.
But slowly I′m loosing motivation because there is nothing left to win ! I never bought a single lockpick or potion. I didn′t even
craft any potions because you get so much just from looting. If there weren′t houses and trainer you could totally remove money from the game
because you don′t need it.
So my opinion on what should change to balance the game. (Well maybe more realistic for the next ES game

1. Give us someting we can spend the tons of money on we get ingame. For example: really expensive furniture for like 100k gold
or weapons or a special armor that gives some motivation to go on.
2. Less loot: With the current amount of loot, alchemy or spending money on potions, lockpicks etc. is pointless.
3. Remove Weapon refinement and add refined weapons as boss loot instead. It′s stupid that one could theoretically craft the best
imaginable weapon with level 20. The best weapon and armor should drop from a boss and not beeing crafted.
4. Connect the ability to Craft more advanced weapons to the overall level. Deadric Weapons/Armor should be available once you reach lvl. 50
and not earlier.
5. Remove Trainers completely. Yeah sorry, but I think leveling in Skyrim is just to fast, anyway. I mean I haven′t used many Trainers
but still I got pretty much everything imaginable rearding weapons and armor while I still have so much to do in skyrim.
6. A little less dungeons but a little more diversity especially regarding boss fights. They are to easy and not challenging at all (from what I have seen so far).
7. Maybe vary the lighting in dungeons a bit. This would allready help to make dungeons feel more unique. 90% of the dungeons I have seen have this same
blue/green lighting. I′m still waiting for at least on redish dungeon like we had in Oblivion.
Anyway. After all it′s still the best RPG I played since Morrowind and I played a lot but I feel my motivation is dropping and I′m doing most of the things just to get it done
and not because I have fun doing it.