I played ET:QW quite a bit, and I have always liked Splash Damage. In my opinion, up to the release of Brink, Splash Damage was one of the few respectable PC game developers left out there. However, I must digress.
This game, for lack of a better word, is terrible. I know, and I realize that putting games up on a pedestal, and creating so much hype for a game really can make it seem worse than it is. Such hype can prevent people from seeing games for what they really are, and instead tend to make people compare them to other games.
Here is a brief outline of my issues with Brink:
1: Performance: I'm running this game with an i7, stock clocked at 2.67ghz, a HD 5870 1GB DDR5 GPU, 8GB of DDR3 @ 1033 -- on windows 7 64-bit. I only play games in high res (1920x1080), and I will never bump my resolution down. I immediately was forced to turn shadows and textures (the only two options) down to medium. V-sync OFF, obviously, and motion blur off. STILL, my FPS is unacceptable -- barely creeping over 30 at any given time and spiking drastically very frequently. I updated my Catalyst drivers to the mostu p to date, then I found the 11.5a that was specifically designed for Brink -- nothing changed. The game runs like CRAP.
2: Lag: Even the slightest bit of latency makes this game a teeth grinder. You stop dead in your tracks and freeze up. You teleport around and then you die. Worse yet, latency causes you to rubber-band in this game worse than I have ever witnessed in any game ever. It's like any little bit of lag ties a rope around your body and makes you pull 100 lb. sandbags behind you on the ground. It's just terrible.
3: Map Design: This is possibly my biggest gripe about Brink in general. What were they thinking? These maps are for the most part, TERRIBLE. I knew they were going to be small, and I KNEW the game was centered around close quarters combat, but WOW. I have to say, as a player of basically every FPS made in the last 15 years -- you have failed here. I understand we are playing objective based game-modes, with attacking and defending teams -- but these maps are TERRIBLY one sided. It's so bad that I switch teams constantly to the team with the map disadvantage because I FEEL BAD. All the defending team does is CAMPS, and there is in most cases NOTHING the attacking team can do. There are one or two maps that do not GLARINGLY have this problem, but that's an embarrassing ratio.
4: Freedom Of Movement?: This is like Parkour for retards. Special Olympics Parkour; that's all it is. I have to admit that one of my major gripes with modern games is how LITTLE attention they pay to the environment and player interaction. The Battlefield series is NOTORIOUS to me for this reason. They made navigating up SLIGHT INCLINES a NIGHTMARE, and you get stuck on small rocks. In BF:BC2, TANKS get stuck on STOP SIGNS. These are HUGE problems with competetive online multiplayer shooters. The moment I started hearing about the S.M.A.R.T. system and the whole "Freedom of movement" thing, I was PSYCHED. I was like "Finally someone has made it their prerogative to address this PLAGUE of bad game mechanics.
FAIL. The movement in this game is SLUGGISH, at BEST. All of the mantling spots are *BOOM* obvious, like "MANTLE HERE". The game almost needed this "Smart" system to make up for it's incredibly claustrophobic map design.
5: Guns: I watched "Choir of guns" probably 40 times before release, and I think in that video one of the Devs was talking about a trip he took to Nevada to record SOURCE MATERIAL for weapon sound effects. What happened to those sound recordings? With all due respect; these guns sound like PAINTBALL GUNS. That's fine, I can get over that because sound isn't really my thing. However, what I can't get over is the ridiculous CIRCULAR reticle that is not adjustable. REALLY? This has CONSOLE written all over it. On top of that, the guns are lackluster, inaccurate and simply unsatisfying to use in general.
I really hate to do this, but I am about to go off on a "PC Elitist rant" here, so all you console people who are easily offended, please stop reading now.
I realize that there is a HUGE market in console games, and that there is a lot of money to be made there. I realize it would be BAD for business to not develop games for consoles and PC's simultaneously. I realize this, I really do. HOWEVER, this DOES not mean that you have to make BAD games. Consoles can handle bigger maps than this, with more diversity and more dynamic mechanics. This game has "trashy console port" written all over it. YES, it has mouse support -- YES, there are dedicated servers -- YES, there is a server browser -- YAY, thanks for all those considerations. However, I am more concerned with the GAMEPLAY at this point. The gameplay is simply PAINFUL at best. The server browser gives me like 3 FPS -- I AM ALREADY PISSED OFF BEFORE I START PLAYING. FINDING A SERVER AND ENTERING IT IS MORE CHALLENGING THAN SHOOTING PEOPLE IN GAME.
It took me a couple days of build-up to create this post. I have been desperately TRYING to like Brink. I have been playing with friends over vent, trying to use teamwork and finish objectives. I had high hopes for Brink; I actually thought there was potential for competetive play and clan matches etc. No way, that's never going to happen -- not for me anyway, and not for anyone I know.
A buddy of mine came on vent a little bit ago and inspired me to write this post. I said "Hey buddy wanna try some Brink?". He says "Nah man, to be honest I really don't like that game", I reply "Yea it really is not impressing me either, but I'm going to keep trying it out". So he says "I'm never buying another FPS unless it's PC exclusive."
Words of wisdom there, I may have to do the same -- or at least hope that DICE has their sh*t together for BF3 and puts out a proper PC version.
So there it is, love it or hate it, flame it or praise it.