Failing to realise these points:
1. Its story mode and if you wanted to just skip to the fighting then there were other modes for that because this mode is exactly what it says it is. The story.
2. There are NO loading screens throughout the story. The cutscene cinematics act as the loading screen.
3. You CAN skip the cutscenes on the 2nd playthrough once the game has loaded.
Its 2011 and IGN failed to notice they spent the whole story on a fully flowing journey with no black screens with whirling emblems. Its a revelation not just to fighting games (which never have a story until MK blasted every other fighter out of the sky with this) but to games across all genres.
You can shout all you want about cinematic hollywood style narratives like Mass Effect but the fact is that even these games pop up the black screen with whirly emblems or jolting progress bars every 5 mins!! MK story mode doesnt do this throughout 18 chapters!! IGN completely missed out on this massive achievement in flowing narrative from a genre that in itself has become reknowned for its lacking ability to provide narrative. They gave the presentation a 6 based on their inadequate fallacy.
Honestly Im not as impressed with Brink as I expected to be but Im not sure IGN is the most accurate source to go by. Im waiting for Edge and Games TM. These are absolutely the only reviewers I trust now and are very meticulous with their reviews. If they give a game even a 7 then consistently you know its worth buying. If they give reviews higher than IGNs then I will never go by an IGN score ever again. In fact I doubt I will even now after the shocking fallacies the MK review was built on.