"I know you're excited about Brink as a game, and I'm excited about it as well. Unfortunately, the code arrived too late for us to play any significant amount of time, the state of the review code was such that I was uncomfortable rendering any kind of authoritative verdict, and there will soon be a patch released that may address most of my complaints. Or it could address none of them. The fact remains that the game reviewers have been playing for the past week will not be the same game you play at home, and that makes it impossible for me to do my job in an effective manner."
Ok, this I respect!!!
Thanks for being upfront & not reviewing until the patch comes in. (by the way I visit arstecnica frequently)
Bethesda... Come on man!! Why would you send a incomplete game to be reviewed? *tsk tsk*
somebody in charge of that department/area should have one of the reps at SD step to them on this slip up.
I am backing you guys, but you must play your part too.
Thanks again Overcast.