Considering the guy at Destructoid gave black ops 3 a 8.5 while saying that there are more changes to it than there is to Fallout 4, I think it's safe to just ignore his review.
Also this is the same site that gave AC2 a 4.5 out of 10....
Considering the guy at Destructoid gave black ops 3 a 8.5 while saying that there are more changes to it than there is to Fallout 4, I think it's safe to just ignore his review.
Also this is the same site that gave AC2 a 4.5 out of 10....
For once we seen to agree on something.
I think after Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, Bethesda has reached a sort of legendary reputation to where they have to basically [censored] out bricks of solid gold for people to be truly amazed anymore.
You won't make it that far. Most people will only get to around level 50. .. you'll need to be level 270+ to have a perfect character.
I actually read the reviews like this:
- Graphics are subpar.
- Stiff character models.
- Storyline underwhelming
- Stale gameplay
- More shooting, less RPG
Final score: 9.5, Editor's Choice
Okay, I exaggerate. But I do read things in the reviews where I think "If any other game had that issue, then it would get a much lower score".!game/1508/fallout-4
Meh. it's a .3 difference. It's completely subjective.
Especially considering that Fallout 3 had a lower metacrtic score than both GTA 4 and Metal gear Solid 4 yet it still didn't stop it from getting the most GOTY picks from websites.
Actually slightly below them (as of the time of this post)...
I am really excited now from these reviews. Many are talking about how the characters are actually pretty good compared to other Bethesda games and the writing is alright. This is exactly what fallout has always been to be honest, so definitely looking forward to playing it now. I may be a little sad about the writing coming from a game like Fallout New Vegas, but to be honest, Fallout 1/2 didn't have "amazing" writing anyhow. So from that, I am okay about the writing, if it is atleast better than any Bethesda game to date. It looks and is discussed as the least Bethesda-ish game to date in this respect..
Typed Fallout 4 into google and first review was this:
EDIT: On Second thoughts, don't click link. The author shoudn't be encouraged with hits!
The guy is actually complaining that some of the technologies in FO world, specifically computer screens, seem behind modern day...
I read all the reviews I could today (those not blocked by my company's idiotic game filter) and I noticed something: they're all the same.
I'm curious if Bethesda put a slap down stating reviewers could only discuss elements of the game which, frankly, is superficial.
Most of these reviews didn't say anything I wasn't already expecting, but not a single one actually detailed anything within the game.
For example: can we customize player housing? If so, does it work or is it broken like it was in Skyrim?
I'm sure I'll find out myself tomorrow, but these little things missing in every review has me questioning all of them.
Bugs and "typical Bethesda" should have already been expected. Bethesda isn't giving up their game engine so that should have been seen coming from a mile away.
As I said, even if the game played identically to FO3, I wouldn't care because FO3 was just one awesome game even with the bugs and game freezes. You know it's true.
Now, I face the hardest night ever. Despite the fact I have to work tomorrow, I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight, "waking up" because the excitement will just run through my head.
If this happens, at least I'll have my character created.
The reviews are so far what I expected. High marks, noting that its a lot like previous games with some special new features put in and the rest of the experience improved slightly overall. Ive seen some steam reviews saying that some PC users have had major issues even launching the game, I hope that whenever I wake up tomorrow that it doesn't cause issues for me.
Yeah, I've been watching the PC hardware section of these forums and the number of posters having problems there is still small, but I don't think the game has gone live in Europe yet. If there are widespread PC problems, I expect those sections to get quite busy when it does.
As a general rule, if the Huff Post doesn't like something, it's probably great and if they do, beat it with a stick.
I think the dog is going to be my favorite companion. But then, all he has to be is a dog so his bar is pretty low.
Yeah im kinda worried that when I wake up after my napsleep that its going to just not start at all.
Or maybe it crashes on startup and uninstalls itself while corrupting all of my Bethesda characters saves from everywhere on my computer including the backup memory stick I have in the port right now.
You'd, uh, kinda need some sort of demonic presence inside the download for that last thing to happen though.
Wow, Now I don't expect to see high quality content on Huffington Post of course, but that review was comically bad. If you want to make a point that the game should allow more player freedom and immersion then that's fine, but to use such a silly subject to make that point and then focusing 75% of the review on that one subject makes the article more of a disjointed rant against a single gameplay mechanic than a proper video game review.