» Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:32 pm
There is a self proclaimed "elitist" site dedicated to rpg, i won't name it, most people know what I'm talking about. The level of language abuse there is atrocious, very primitive from lack of moderation.
They have a very big community, very active forum. They hate everything made by Bethesda post Morrowind ( and other "modern" rpg makers too, but Bethesda is the main target because they think the original Fallouts are the best rpgs of all time). They think Bethesda ruined Fallout. They also play exclusively on pc and hate consoles, console players, games made primarily for consoles.
They bash Bethesda for sport, their own website motto is anti-Bethesda. In the Fallout 3 launch era they were openly calling people "to arms" to sabotage Fallout 3 on Metacritic and other places. I havent read those forums in a long while so I don't know if they did this for Fallout 4 too, but I have no reason to believe otherwise.
There is your answer, in detail, I hope it helps.