Game spot 9
Destructoid 7.5
PcGamer 8.8
Shack news 8
Ign 9.5
Game spot 9
Destructoid 7.5
PcGamer 8.8
Shack news 8
Ign 9.5
The aggregated score has settled at 9.0
That's a good score.
The GOTY remains an interesting debate.
I still think any of FO4, TW3 or MGS could take it.
At this point I'd say TW3 is a nose in front
because of FO4 animation/performance jankyness
but time will tell.
I'm going to love playing this.
Obviously people are going to need more then a day to give it a proper review, all those major sites are jumping the gun, I bet there going to enjoy it more in the long term.
To be fair they've had much more than a day
edit: as for which game will win goty? TW3, MGSV or FO4? All three of them. More than one GOTY.
About the same as FO3 review scores. Meh, who cares about reviews.
To me it seems like they may have started on this too long ago, like they slapped a new lighting engine on top of old assets. this may be a timing thing, or an engine limitation, I am not sure. still, when you talk to anybody who enjoyed a FO/TES game about their favourite parts have you ever heard any of them say " i loves the lip synch!" "I loved the lack of bugs!" "The voice acting was spot on!" or "The AI is so awesome! nope.
It's because if the incentive of exploration, the wide open possibilities, the role-playing opportunities and the ability to approach anythign in the game, as anything you want. from what little i read for spoiler avoidance, this is still a strong point.
As for GOTY, that is still some people's opinion. Some people thought Skyrim was farthest from GOTY material, whereas I am still playing Skyrim four years later and still as excited about that next character I will build when the next quest mod comes out. I don't care about GOTY, I do hope they get it, but in many ways I think it will go to The Witcher 3 for the game, and the support it got from CDPR. in 12 hours I will be in a position to agree or dissagree.
I wonder how heavily the bugs factored into that Destructoid review. I know that sometimes a game can get a particularly low score when the reviewer experiences particularly bad technical problems (like Joystiq's that don't plague other reviewers. Most issues will be worked out quickly with patches.
Saw IGN's first 20 minutes video. Utterly depressing but in a good way. Fallout is not suppose to be a happy game.
Having avoided any of those kinds of videos, I'll say that your comment here makes the anticipation so much better. I look forward to losing everything I ever cared about.
Polygon has a 9.5 review up as well.
"Bethesda promised too much"
*average score 9.0*
Hmm.. not sure Bethesda is the problem here.
Kinda regret seeing it since there was a spoiler in it.
So no more reviews/videos/spoiler forums for me. I'll be playing the game tomorrow.
Seems to be holding a 90 average right now
i will still enjoy the game but the the SPECIAL system is really dumb and boring now. In the end you will always have S10 P10 E10 C10 I10 A10 L10.... No penalties for having a STRENGHT 10 INTELLIGENCE 1 character. Yeez. Role playing is dead
In 9hrs 30min I will be able to play this and see for myself if Beth truly "played it safe" somehow I doubt it. I just can't see it any other way, they had years upon years to make this game special.
You're right it's not Bethesda's fault (they've seemingly made a great game), but considering the hype behind the game; it's surprising that it's lagging behind the witcher 3 (92 aggregate) and MGS V (93 aggregate).People expected Fallout 4 to blow every other game away this year; judging on reviews, it hasn't.
GOTY will be interesting to see this year...