I've just started replaying FO3 yet again. I don't know how many play throughs I've done, but it amazes me that I still have some new experiences with each game. Obviously there is alot of repetition when you've done a number of play throughs but the game still throws some scenarios that still surprise me.
But when new vegas comes out, honestly , It will be quite some time before I even think about playing FO3. With all the stuff that is added in New Vegas I doubt I will get the urge to play FO3 for quite some time. Probably years.
Pardon the nostalgia but after playing FO3 on and off since its release, it feels kinda of weird to say good bye to such a great game. Obviously it had its flaws but what game doesn't?
So what about you, will you ever play FO3 again in a post New Vegas world?