The description is going to be fairly the same as the first one, as its more of a continuation rather than a recreation.
I wont decide to create the Rp properly until i start to get some interest in it. So if anyone has questions about some things, or if something needs clarifying post here and ill make alterations and answer where needed.
(These Ancient records have been lost to all but the moth priests, recently uncovered as result of the current situation..)
When the Empire was still young, an evil once swept the land, brining an age of darkness, corruption... an age of vampires. Tired of waiting to receive the souls of mortals through natural means, the Daedra Prince Molag Bal, decided to send a creature of his own creation to Nirn, and bring forth an eternal darkness, one where his children ran supreme, and to allow the mortal plane to become an everlasting feast of souls to the prince.
Using Ancient magics, this creature of pure evil and darkness encompassed Nirn into darkness, an eternal night. Without the warm of the suns rays, the beautiful landscapes began to whither and die. Because of this lack of sun, the creatures of the night were able to come out of hiding, never having to fear the light while this creature was in control, many of which began to worship this creature, as many would a king.
These undead creatures became the followers of this undead ruler, and the mortals had two choices. Be enslaved, becoming servants, or be enslaved as cattle, slaughtered to become food. For many a year those who accepted slavery over death, continued with a slight hope that the nine would answer their prayers and end this eternal darkness.
Those who resisted, and were able to defend themselves, moved to secluded locations easily defended, and waited for a chance to bring an end to the madness. As if their prayers were answered, a man stood up, a Paladin who claimed to have gained the favour of the nine.
Many disbelieve him until he was able to prove his might, by destroying a large party of the night's children, without much ease. His armour, and weapons blessed by the nine, he was able to kill many that threatened the resistance's small base. With the knowledge of creating enchantments that would surely be useful against these creatures, this small regiment began a crusade of the land, freeing slaves and growing their numbers.
Many of the Vampire Lord's fortresses and outposts began to fall against this holy army. Soon the only thing that stood in this man's way of defeating the creature was a desperate last attempt to thwart them. A large army was placed between the final stronghold, and The Battle known as only the "Breaking of Dawn" had commenced, Many falling and sacrificing their lives so that this Saviour could defeat the creature.
However this creature had been too powerful for this saviour, so with his dying breath, the saviour cast an ancient spell given to him by the Nine, freezing the creature in place making it unable to move, or control the spell that blanketed Nirn in darkness. With the control of this ancient spell lost, the welcoming rays of the sun broke through the darkness, burning the creatures of the night that were still fighting the remaining mortals.
The man who scarified his own life, and brought the light to the eternal darkness was named as the saviour of Nirn, and marked as an eternal hero.
The foul creation of Molag Bal was entombed deep within its own fortress deep within the mountain ranges of the north, and was sealed away from all mortal contact, so the evil would never sweep across the world again.
The armour and weapon of the saviour were sealed with the saviour, on an offshore island, where the man had received his gift. Guardians were placed on this island, so no one would ever be able to desecrate this holy place. But only a descendant of this saviour would ever hope to wield these ancient armoury pieces, as it has been foretold, that those who were not of his bloodline would die instantly if they wore any of the pieces.
All was well in Nirn, and life began anew, and as time rolled on, people began to forget this ancient battle, and for the good of never unleashing this evil again, forgetting the past was the final security measure to ensure the Eternal darkness never repeated itself.
However sometimes... History can repeat itself...
50 years after the oblivion crisis, Cultists of Molag Bal are preaching of the coming of Eternal Darkness, calling out to those in the streets to join them and be saved, or refuse and lose their souls to their Lord.
No one knows this "Eternal Darkness" of which they speak of, and many have been arrested due to their disruption of the civil peace.
At the same moment of time curious mages of the Mages guild have uncovered the remains of an ancient fortress in the mountains, and have begun an archaeological dig of the ancient site to see what secrets it holds.
However some secrets should remain hidden...
The entire team was lost to the fiend they had uncovered, becoming the first of the turned, and so began the return of 'Eternal Darkness' Within a few days the skys of Cyrodil were blanketed by a thick black fog, and around its borders a magical barrier was place, ensuring that none enters or leaves. After all distractions werent welcome in Molag Bal's plan.
But with the coming darkness, a small beacon of light is all the hope Cyrodil has. A young man and a group of Adventuers gathered together by visions of what was to come, to begin the quest to find a way to end the evil that had been unleashed once more onto the world. The Group was approached by party of hooded men and woman claiming to be members of the 'Order of Dawn' the ancient order that once stood again the Daedra Lord the first time.
Each seemed to have been blessed by a Daedra Lord themselves, leaving doubt in the Adventurers minds. yet the information given to them was credible. The Order of Dawn gave the group a task, to find the location of the First Lightbringer, to seek the means to end the darkness that was to come.
Now, as the first waves of this Lord's creatures begin to invade the cities of Cyrodil, these Adventurers enter Cheydinhal to equip and hopefully defend some innocents before heading towards the ancient Moth Priest temple to find the location of the Ancient hero's tomb.
RP outline
As you may have read above, this is an rp about bringing an end to an evil that is about to emerge. As this Rp is the second part (due to the fact that i could not continue the first one) Newcommers that werent in the first RP will be able to join up in CHeydinhal as a resident trying to escape the chaos, or well someone that came to the city for sayety (use your imagination) and if there were someone that were in the original that still want to join for the second chapter then they will all begin in one place when the first post is made.
-As this RP requires upmost attention, and either decent writing skills and/or dedication, if you do not believe you will see this to the end, then please do not be one of the beginning characters. Others can come and go as they please as long as they do not disrupt the continuation of the storyline.
-You are not a superspecialawesome uber character, those of which will be burnt at the stake for being a witch (or if you weigh the same as a duck)
-As the RP master, what I say is law (so don't try dramatically change something without asking me m'kay?) but i can be persuaded if the bri- i mean reason is right
- PM me first before joining up, otherwise the second rule applies (As there could very well be a chance that it is an Uber character). This way i can look at the sheets before hand and advise if any changes need to be made etc.
When the Empire was still young, an evil once swept the land, brining an age of darkness, corruption... an age of vampires. Tired of waiting to receive the souls of mortals through natural means, the Daedra Prince Molag Bal, decided to send a creature of his own creation to Nirn, and bring forth an eternal darkness, one where his children ran supreme, and to allow the mortal plane to become an everlasting feast of souls to the prince.
Using Ancient magics, this creature of pure evil and darkness encompassed Nirn into darkness, an eternal night. Without the warm of the suns rays, the beautiful landscapes began to whither and die. Because of this lack of sun, the creatures of the night were able to come out of hiding, never having to fear the light while this creature was in control, many of which began to worship this creature, as many would a king.
These undead creatures became the followers of this undead ruler, and the mortals had two choices. Be enslaved, becoming servants, or be enslaved as cattle, slaughtered to become food. For many a year those who accepted slavery over death, continued with a slight hope that the nine would answer their prayers and end this eternal darkness.
Those who resisted, and were able to defend themselves, moved to secluded locations easily defended, and waited for a chance to bring an end to the madness. As if their prayers were answered, a man stood up, a Paladin who claimed to have gained the favour of the nine.
Many disbelieve him until he was able to prove his might, by destroying a large party of the night's children, without much ease. His armour, and weapons blessed by the nine, he was able to kill many that threatened the resistance's small base. With the knowledge of creating enchantments that would surely be useful against these creatures, this small regiment began a crusade of the land, freeing slaves and growing their numbers.
Many of the Vampire Lord's fortresses and outposts began to fall against this holy army. Soon the only thing that stood in this man's way of defeating the creature was a desperate last attempt to thwart them. A large army was placed between the final stronghold, and The Battle known as only the "Breaking of Dawn" had commenced, Many falling and sacrificing their lives so that this Saviour could defeat the creature.
However this creature had been too powerful for this saviour, so with his dying breath, the saviour cast an ancient spell given to him by the Nine, freezing the creature in place making it unable to move, or control the spell that blanketed Nirn in darkness. With the control of this ancient spell lost, the welcoming rays of the sun broke through the darkness, burning the creatures of the night that were still fighting the remaining mortals.
The man who scarified his own life, and brought the light to the eternal darkness was named as the saviour of Nirn, and marked as an eternal hero.
The foul creation of Molag Bal was entombed deep within its own fortress deep within the mountain ranges of the north, and was sealed away from all mortal contact, so the evil would never sweep across the world again.
The armour and weapon of the saviour were sealed with the saviour, on an offshore island, where the man had received his gift. Guardians were placed on this island, so no one would ever be able to desecrate this holy place. But only a descendant of this saviour would ever hope to wield these ancient armoury pieces, as it has been foretold, that those who were not of his bloodline would die instantly if they wore any of the pieces.
All was well in Nirn, and life began anew, and as time rolled on, people began to forget this ancient battle, and for the good of never unleashing this evil again, forgetting the past was the final security measure to ensure the Eternal darkness never repeated itself.
However sometimes... History can repeat itself...
50 years after the oblivion crisis, Cultists of Molag Bal are preaching of the coming of Eternal Darkness, calling out to those in the streets to join them and be saved, or refuse and lose their souls to their Lord.
No one knows this "Eternal Darkness" of which they speak of, and many have been arrested due to their disruption of the civil peace.
At the same moment of time curious mages of the Mages guild have uncovered the remains of an ancient fortress in the mountains, and have begun an archaeological dig of the ancient site to see what secrets it holds.
However some secrets should remain hidden...
The entire team was lost to the fiend they had uncovered, becoming the first of the turned, and so began the return of 'Eternal Darkness' Within a few days the skys of Cyrodil were blanketed by a thick black fog, and around its borders a magical barrier was place, ensuring that none enters or leaves. After all distractions werent welcome in Molag Bal's plan.
But with the coming darkness, a small beacon of light is all the hope Cyrodil has. A young man and a group of Adventuers gathered together by visions of what was to come, to begin the quest to find a way to end the evil that had been unleashed once more onto the world. The Group was approached by party of hooded men and woman claiming to be members of the 'Order of Dawn' the ancient order that once stood again the Daedra Lord the first time.
Each seemed to have been blessed by a Daedra Lord themselves, leaving doubt in the Adventurers minds. yet the information given to them was credible. The Order of Dawn gave the group a task, to find the location of the First Lightbringer, to seek the means to end the darkness that was to come.
Now, as the first waves of this Lord's creatures begin to invade the cities of Cyrodil, these Adventurers enter Cheydinhal to equip and hopefully defend some innocents before heading towards the ancient Moth Priest temple to find the location of the Ancient hero's tomb.
RP outline
As you may have read above, this is an rp about bringing an end to an evil that is about to emerge. As this Rp is the second part (due to the fact that i could not continue the first one) Newcommers that werent in the first RP will be able to join up in CHeydinhal as a resident trying to escape the chaos, or well someone that came to the city for sayety (use your imagination) and if there were someone that were in the original that still want to join for the second chapter then they will all begin in one place when the first post is made.
-As this RP requires upmost attention, and either decent writing skills and/or dedication, if you do not believe you will see this to the end, then please do not be one of the beginning characters. Others can come and go as they please as long as they do not disrupt the continuation of the storyline.
-You are not a superspecialawesome uber character, those of which will be burnt at the stake for being a witch (or if you weigh the same as a duck)
-As the RP master, what I say is law (so don't try dramatically change something without asking me m'kay?) but i can be persuaded if the bri- i mean reason is right

- PM me first before joining up, otherwise the second rule applies (As there could very well be a chance that it is an Uber character). This way i can look at the sheets before hand and advise if any changes need to be made etc.