Unless of course the devs are biased for them. Like how the "Cowboy Repeater" and other lever-action rifles were the best weapons in New Vegas

I can see a cavalry saber happening that you find in a museum, but not a musket or anything. Though it would be cool.
you do know that Fallout introduced the Reloading glitch, just hot key 1 and 2 to muzzle-loaders....
I don't think non-rifled black powder muzzleloaders would be of much use, but I wouldn't mind seeing cavalry sabers, and from what we've seen, bayonet attachment modifications will be in the game. And I certainly wouldn't complain if the game had something like Dishonored's pistols (basically a wheellock-looking pistol that fired metal cartridge rounds).
Not sure if that would actually work, as muzzle-loaders are single shot, the reloading animation may start playing before you could switch weapons....... in which case, you would be stuck.
Like I've already said, don't need to muzzle load as there are breech loaders at the time. The Ferguson (1772) for example would be practical, especially with Fallout's (already) unrealistic reload times. In real life it shot about 7 rounds per minutes. You could almost double that with Fallout's quick reload animations.
See my problem with the laser musket is that it's firing and reloading mechanism in no way resembles a musket. It's just a frigging hand crank that you turn to reload it.
What if instead, we had something like a flintlock's [censored], which instead of flint has some futuristic glowy ignition fire, which when the trigger is pulled, strikes forward and provides some spaceage catalyst that causes the laser to fire.
A real musket, in game with all 60 seconds of reload time (is that the fastest for a musket?)? No, I'd rather not. Maybe you can haul some old cannons back to your settlement to defend it with, but that's about it.
I don't care if they are commonly available, but I wouldn't use them as a rule; not enough accuracy and nowhere near enough rate of fire. I would much prefer to something along the lines of "Dan Morgan's Rifle" as a kind of unique weapon. If one is included in the game, it should be a true rifle of the period. It should not be a repeater, and the reloading process should be a time-consuming one just like the real enchilada.
I use them all the time in GTA V. They are badass.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the Cowboy Repeater wasn't even in the same realm as "Best weapons in New Vegas".
The brush gun however.... Unstoppable.
Agreed. I only use the service rifle when I wanted to do something fresh in a playthrough and maybe roleplay a little bit. It's a shame, because it's a cool weapon.
Blasting through radscorpions at light speed with the cowboy repeater is SO satisfying early game.
I rather like the sniper rifle..... Generally, by the time I get one, it's one shot, one kill with it. And of course, can't forget the Riot Shotgun...... combined with shotgun surgeon, and "and STAY back" perks, even deathclaws aren't that bad.
Compared to energy weapons all other weapons seem pointless....and yet, people still use them. It comes down to a matter of choice and personal preference.... and in the wasteland, you use what you can get.
Breech loaders were a truly incredible rarity during the revolution both in America and around the world. The weapon limitations of the rifle or musket of the period are a far better rationale for not including them in quantity in the game. That said, i wouldn't mind seeing unique versions of them all- including the Ferguson- in FO4