I was playing fonv today and had to post this. I now have 2 rexs as companions. they both act independently and both fight and store stuff for me. it happened when i got bored and decided to beat rex to death. the first time i beat him he just went unconsious. then he woke up and had a health meter that was red like an enemy and he was attacking me. so i beat him to death again with my bear hands. then he lay there dead and as i was walking away i noticed he was following me again but not trying to attack me. then i saw another one run up right next to him i said WTF! 2 REXs! its pretty crazy for me and i googled it and didnt see any other posts up so i posted it up. here is a picture and i have a video i just posted on youtube if u think im faking it with photoshop or something. im playing it on an xbox not a pc. check out the vid and be amazed like i am(unless it doesnt amaze u and u already knew about it) and tell me what u think
heres the vid link(not spam or anything stupid)