1. If i get 1 and it dies do i get a chance at another 1. I've heard you get 1 from the random help if you help the chief
2. Will the black book option that works on companions work on Rieslings ( friendly fire)
3 can they equip weapons armor, can they be healed/buffed through spells
4 can they be dead thralled
5 will they attack me if I turn into vamp lord
6 is it true they can be a 3rd follower and is it true i have to dismiss then rehire second follower. Safe to assume if i have a dog that i lose the dog in process
7. Any reactions from people in skyrim to my riekling follower
8. Any consequences to killing those nords involved in the riekling quest
9 will they sneak or will they be a pain like dogs are
10. What happens if you leave them in a hearthfire house. Will they dismiss and wander home. Same goes when companions are forced to leave during certain serana/ werewolf wuests