i know this is all speculation, but a lot of people say it will be in skyrim. also, like I have said in other threads (witch is obiusly a bad idea cus not many people agreeed, so feel free to disregard what I am about to say) sence the next TES will be about the fall of the empire, then maybe Bethesda should replace Impirials with something cooler in TES VI and let them blend back in with the Nords and Bretons or at the very least regress into colovian barbarians. I know that they are a well rounded race, but why do we need 3 well ronded races when we can have 2 realy cool ones aka Dunmer and Argonias. It would just be stupid if there was a race named impirials runing around without an impire, unless you called them Colovians or Nibaneze, but still. So maybe we can introduce Snow Elves in TES V and then let them be the replacement. I think that there is a race to fit evryon's playing styl in the game, except that there is not a smart warrior, so to speek. Somone that can wield weaponds and heavy armor, but at the same time be skilled in alchamy and alteration. I think snow elves are a good candidate, sence they were know not be smart. And in regards to apperance, I am guesing it would be like the elves in Hellboy 2?
just speculating