» Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:03 am
It's a WoW clone. Now before you freak out, there's nothing wrong with that, it is in now way a derogatory term.
With the exception of the soul system, allowing you to custom make your own class (To an extent, most souls don't synergize that well together so you do need to stick with certain archetypes to be effective) it is pretty much exactly the same, but with some annoyances taken away. For example, there is no level restriction on the basic (60%) mounts, when you have the money you can buy it. To regain health you simply need to drink, instead of carrying food and water around. There's more, but nothing that stands out, suffice to say that many of the small annoyances in WoW are not in Rift.
The Rift's themselves are pretty cool, they open up all over the place and people in the vicinity can automatically group up and fight back the invading hordes, closing the rift. If you're all alone and nobody is around, the rifts can be a major annoyance however, as most of the time you can't hope to close one alone, unless you outlevel it by quite a bit. This was especially a problem during the first days when not many people were playing (On my server at least).
I played WoW for 5 years and I got bored, I tried Rift with a few friends and surprise surprise...I got bored. I'm just tired of the formula basically, at least the way WoW does it. WoW is a very good game, but it has not aged that well technically, the visuals have improved, the content has had it's ups and downs but it's mostly gotten better (With the exception of Wrath if you ask me) but the engine was outdated when the game was released, that was 6 years ago...WoW can only go so far before the engine simply can't handle it, and it's getting close to that point now.
Here is where WoW beats Rift handily, variety. WoW has 10 races, all of them established in lore and with good variety across the board. Rift has 6, three for each faction. I'll go through them:
Guardians: Human, High Elves, Dwarves.
Defiant: Different humans, Kelari (Elves that in my opinion look terrible compared to high elves who look great) and Bahmi (Blue mongolians basically).
The factiosn themselves are not bad, there's no clear good or bad faction, the Guardians are in my opinion religious zealots, the Defiant are avid supporters of magic and technology combined, both are doing what they can to save the world, but their motivations and goals differ greatly, religion is a huge issue in Rift. Some call the Defiant atheists, they're wrong. The Gods in the Rift universe exist, there is no doubt about that, what separates them is that the Guardians worshop them whereas the Defiant consider themselves equal to the gods, or at least refuse to bend knee to them.
Still, while the factions are relatively interesting in terms of differing motivations instead of the constant war in Warcraft that seems a bit forced at times, I mean...a dragon is trying to destroy the world, the most powerfull and dangerous being ever seen on Azeroth, Deathwing is basically a demigod bent on the destruction of all life...sounds like the perfect time for a war right? Working together would make that a lot easier to deal with, but nah, this is the time to be at each others throat.
Overall, WoW has a much more established and well known background to support it, Rift lacks that (Allthough I hear there is quite a bit of lore, I've never come across it myself) and suffers for it.
If you still enjoy WoW but you want something darker, with more realistic graphics and some slightly refined systems as well as the soul mechanic, give Rift a shot. You'll probably like it, if you're like me and WoW bores you, Rift won't last long. it's really fun at first when it's all new content, but I got to level 25 or so and just couldn't take it anymore, I might resub again at some point, but it's not likely.