Aout half the time I win a match with a 15pt lead. After 3 games of this, suddenly I will be spawned over and over again into situations where I cannot get a kill that is normally quite easy for me. This will go on for the first half of the game and the top 4 or 5 players will all be pretty evenly matched and then suddenly my sprinting becomes noticebly faster, my aim is noticably more accurate, and people seem to be leaping in front of my gun to get shot and i will easily pull ahead andwin the round, OR, one of the noobs i was previously stomping will suddenly become superman and go on a 15 kill streak faster than i can get one kill, and i will be stuck watching killcams for the rest of the match.
I assume this is built in skill level "balancing" that temporarily nerfs better players so that noobs can have a chance at winning or competing. MW2 engine had the same thing although no one noticed it in that game either. Bf3 has it. I ssume it's an EA function to help balance out skill levels on thier MP games. No source engines use it.
I notice the games that have it also share common characteristics.
1, no spectate mode, and terrible killcam playback.
2, EA title.
3, extremely poor in game chat to discourage discussion about it.
4, no confirmation or denial from developers on the subject.
I'm sure if you're a noob this doesnt bother you. If you like being competitive and enjoy a honest match, this will bother you a great deal. Basically its a built in cheat in the server software.
Think about that. A built in hack that lets anyone do very well or makes anyone do very poorly, regardless of skill or ability.
It's part of the "everyone wins" mentality i guess or hopefully just a shady trick to hide an inability to create a balanced game. We know how corporations dont care about anything except higher profit margins so i suspect its the latter.
I've seen it happen to other players and am getting good at predicting whom its going to happen to next by watching the scores.
Besides myself i've seen it happen to a dozen other good players, ||BIOSHOCK|| being the only name i can recall.
What happens when you are being nerfed is:
Your aim will never center on target, it will shoot just to the left or right but if you try to center it, it will never center on the head.
You cannot get one kill without being shot immediately in the back.
You run at about 85% of normal speed.
Aim is "bendy" instead of crisp. I guess you could call it mouse lag.
All of this ends about 70% of way through match which is conveniently too late to make a comeback.
You will be stuck at 24 kills and the next highest will be 15 or so and you just need one more kill to win. Suddenly you are spawning in front of ppl shooting you, on a nade exploding, underneath an orbital strike, spawn with 5 ppl around you or various other scenarios that are UNWINNABLE untill you hear the game over voice and you have come in second. I can't begin to describe the rage and homocidal thoughts that this elicits but sufficeth it to say you wouldnt want to be affiliated with EA around me at that moment.
Well this is a nice long book already so I'll wrap it up and ask if you are top level competive gamer, please be aware of this and see for yourself if what i have said is true.
If you are a noob or born before 1980 you should scoff and offer nothing to the discussion as your generation has been trained to do by consoles.