I've been at this all day and I've looked through all the timer-related posts and I still can't get this to work.
I'm trying to make it possible for the player to choose an option after activating an object which will make that object explode after several seconds.
I've tried several ways to make it work, here's an example (I've left out all the irrelevant stuff):
SCN BlowUpObjectint iButtonshort GonnaBlowfloat FuseBEGIN onActivate if GonnaBlow != 1 ShowMessage ObjectMessage endifENDBEGIN GameMode set iButton to GetButtonPressed if iButton == -1 Return elseif iButton == 2 ShowMessage RunMessage ;tells the player he's got 5 seconds to run away set GonnaBlow to 1 set Fuse to 5 endif if Fuse > 0 set Fuse to (Fuse - GetSecondsPassed) else placeatme Explosion endifEND
And nothing happens. I get the message to run away but I wait and wait and nothing happens. If I place the Fuse timer before the Buttons I can't even activate the object at all. What am I missing here? Isn't the 'if Fuse...' part supposed to run until Fuse is equal to 0?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.