Hey there lads, it's been a while since I last went through my beloved TES games and it was Morrowind's turn. Despite me adding a ton of mods right off the bat (or the boat, rather) I've had little to no problems running the game, except for one minor and inconsequential yet seemingly uncommon glitch, if it can be called such.
Anyway, turns out that my quest section in the journal holds several quests named like a faction I've joined with no real orders, just info on the topic ("Great House Redoran" and "Tribunal Temple" as of now). Despite that, other guilds I've tried don't create such a quest (Mages and Fighters, namely), and I quite honestly don't remember having such clutter in my journal.
Google has given me nothing repeatedly, and here I am, looking for some info - and possibly a solution, even if it is a mere placebo.
Danke Sch?n!